The People of Bangladesh will take their decision

Hiren Pandit

In 1971, in a bloody war, we got our beloved motherland Bangladesh in return for the supreme sacrifice of 30 lakh martyrs and 2 lakh mothers and sisters. Bangladesh is advancing at an unstoppable speed under the leadership of Bangabandhu’s daughter Sheikh Hasina. Bangladesh has made incredible progress in the last 15 years. But that is not an easy matter.

Domestic and foreign conspiracies have always tried to claim Bangladesh. But Bangladesh is coping with all these and is increasingly striving to achieve sustainable development. Bangladesh has many friends and allies in the world. However various activities of disinformation and purposeful misinformation are putting the country in trouble. After 52 years, Bangladesh has become known as a model of development. By overcoming all odds.

Today, Bangladesh is trying to achieve its potential as an emerging economic power in Asia. Bangabandhu’s ideal of non-aligned movement, friendship with all and not enmity with anyone, is moving forward as the main issue of foreign policy. The economy is also achieving success. Bangladesh’s continued annual growth has surprised economists and world leaders. With this economic growth and emphasis on achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Bangladesh is bringing various positive changes in society.

Bangladesh has set an example by currently sheltering more than 1 million Rohingya people. Bangladesh has always been a victim of propaganda but the government diplomatic missions and pro-independence forces should do more on these issues. Bangladesh needs to seriously deal with the concerns of countries that criticize human rights and democracy and prevent these concerns as well as domestic and foreign propaganda by highlighting the real truth. As a secular, progressive country in Bangladesh, this should be everyone’s pledge now.

However, the people of this country have always given adequate answers to all these confusions, domestic and foreign propaganda, and this is the most hopeful thing. Foreign lobbying often tries to discredit the government by distorting Bangladesh’s successes and achievements in the international context. Objective distortions and misrepresentations by foreign lawyers and lobbyists also need to be challenged. Bangladesh will move forward in the spirit of liberation war based on equality and justice.

India has made its position clear in front of the United States regarding the Bangladesh elections. India’s Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra said that Bangladesh was discussed in detail in the ‘two-plus-two’ meeting between the foreign and defense ministers of India and the United States recently. India strongly supports the ‘vision’ of Bangladesh as a stable, peaceful and progressive state as the people of that country want to see it. He also said, ‘Bangladesh’s election is an internal matter of that country and the people of that country will decide their future.” India gave the United States in the meeting. India’s Ministry of External Affairs organized a special press conference on Friday afternoon after the ‘two plus two’ meeting. There, in response to a question, Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra commented, “We have made our view on Bangladesh very clear. We have no place to comment on the policies of any third country. The election of Bangladesh is their internal matter.

The people of that country will decide their future. We respect the democratic process of Bangladesh as a friend and partner country. “India strongly supports the vision of Bangladesh as a stable, peaceful and progressive state,” said Mr. Quatra. He said with a little emphasis, “We have made it very clear the way we review the situation, the way we review the situation in different countries of the world, including Bangladesh.” India’s stance on Bangladesh elections is not new. But in contrast to the way US officials are making various comments about the elections in Bangladesh, it is considered important to clarify ‘their’ point of view and present it to the US ministers. No statement or press conference was made by the United States after the ‘two plus two’ meeting. Because of the various comments made by US officials on the internal affairs of Bangladesh before the elections in Bangladesh, the fact that India has clarified its position in this meeting is considered quite important by the analysts. “India’s position was clear, but we need to take it very seriously to make it ‘very clear’ before the US Secretary of State.” “It is very important for India to have a stable government in Bangladesh because of our connectivity with the Northeast. The way United States is increasing the pressure on Sheikh Hasina’s government in various ways before the elections in that country, they have also tried to get involved in the internal affairs of that country, those are the facts.

Therefore, India has made it clear that they should not worry too much about the internal affairs of Bangladesh. However, if a joint statement was issued, the position of the US would be known specifically. India-US relations have strengthened in recent years. Just as the foreign and defense ministers of the two countries hold two-plus-two meetings every year, the US president and Narendra Modi meet occasionally. Analysts ask why India is arguing with the United States on an important issue. An important ally of India is under threat due to US meddling. “Washington has publicly called on the Hasina government to hold fair elections. In recent years, tensions between Hasina’s government and America have increased over human rights issues. America’s position has become an important issue in the politics of Bangladesh. Sheikh Hasina is the most important partner among India’s neighbors. Ahead of the meeting, Rick Rosso, an expert at the Washington-based think tank Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), said that regional issues in South Asia will have more influence on India-US strategic relations. The perspective on the upcoming elections in Bangladesh is different. “Meanwhile a new pro-China government has come to power in the Maldives.

There is fear of instability in Sri Lanka or Nepal. These issues are of great importance to India and are very directly related to the relationship with America”, said the Foreign Secretary of India, just as the Asia-Pacific region was discussed, so was the Israel-Gaza war. India has also informed that cooperation and joint production between the two countries have been discussed in the defense sector as well. Now there is strong discussion everywhere that the political field of BNP’s final movement has been created by relying on the visa policy of the United States.

In the meantime, they appealed to the US Ambassador Peter Haas to protect them, claiming to be their ‘God’ and Avatar. They even commented that the support of the Western world in the ongoing democratic movement is giving courage to everyone. The US Ambassador thanked Peter Haas for becoming an Avatar for them.

The human rights issue is a very popular word in Bangladesh now. The business of human rights is also eventful now. Various shops are being opened on human rights. The demand for human rights in the international market has also increased. As a result, the market for human rights products is now crowded. Some human rights shopkeepers in Bangladesh are going to different places and campaigning about the human rights situation in Bangladesh. Every day Bangladesh’s standards are being presented in the vested markets.

But since the BNP-Jamaat alliance won the general elections in October 2001, political violence has taken a different and more serious form. State-sponsored violence against religious and ethnic minorities and political opponents is directly targeted to remove minorities and political opponents from the political process. There have been numerous incidents of violence. But the most devastating incidents of violence aimed at disenfranchising minority voters and political opponents were the political and sexual violence against Hindus following the October 2001 elections, on August 21, 2004, a grenade attack on an Awami League rally killed 24 activists and injured over 500, including the present Prime Minister of Bangladesh. In 2005 bombings across the country.

Opponents and minorities were forced to leave the country due to violence. The terrorists did not spare the present Prime Minister of Bangladesh. She came back from death’s door 19 times. The violence continued between 2013-2016, fueled by disinformation campaigns. Again, we see similar patterns of violence, burning public transport, beating journalists, and beating members of law enforcement agencies to death. Various propaganda is still being used to spread anti-secular confusion. We don’t want to see any country’s influence; Bangladesh wants to see a sustainable democratic process and a participatory and acceptable election. We all want free and fair elections in Bangladesh. We want politics to be a clash of ideas, not a bloody clash on the streets.

National, regional, and international discussions are needed to reach that place. We have confidence that Bangladesh will be able to achieve that. Looking ahead to the upcoming national elections, those who think about the future of the democratic Bangladesh of a truly civil society in Bangladesh after the liberation war, and above all the great people of Bangladesh. 52 years have passed since the liberation war till now. Not less time.

The political power of Bangladesh during the liberation war relied on the power of the people fought against the evil forces and moved the country forward as a strong nation with self-esteem and glory. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his esteemed colleagues, the independence-loving student society of Bengal, and the extreme sacrifices of the poor people of Bangladesh have established Bangladesh in the liberation war. We hope that Sheikh Hasina, the daughter of Bangabandhu, will unite all the forces of the liberation war of Bangladesh and proceed to implement such a far-reaching development program in the next five-year rule.

We will join the struggle of Bangladesh with the public leader Bangabandhu’s daughter Sheikh Hasina to face the country’s great crisis and even to create an example, that may inspire all good people who love the country with utmost compassion.

The writer is a columnist and researcher

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