Awami League has to move forward with new challenges

Hiren Pandit: The government has to do more with price increases and inflation. Common people including low-income people are suffering due to unbridled prices of daily necessities. There is no end to people’s expectations. However, people’s expectations from the Awami League are more than any other party. People expect humane values, democracy, civil rights, and people involved in running the country. When expectations are high, there is some talk of disappointment. Disappointment occurs when there is a gap between expectations and achievements. To overcome disappointment, one must stay close to human expectations. Bangladesh Awami League, the country’s oldest and largest political party, is an expression of democratic practices. This party was created by Bangabandhu and contributed a lot to the development of the country. This party gave the nation an independent country. It has given many development gifts. However, the nation’s expectations from the Awami League are much higher than this.

Bangabandhu’s daughter Sheikh Hasina is now leading this party. There is a lot of development going on in the country, many mega projects are being implemented and the government has handled the coronavirus pandemic well and very efficiently. Apart from this, there are many other positive achievements. But in some cases, there is a shortfall in meeting the expectations of the people. Many have complained that many of the party’s leaders have distanced themselves from the grassroots workers after 15 years in power. There is a lot of discussion about how Awami League came out of the propaganda or what the new leadership is thinking, and there is no less curiosity about it. Bangabandhu’s daughter Sheikh Hasina has been leading this party for almost 42 years. She organized the party and brought it to power by facing various crises and conspiracies.

She knows and understands not only the party but the people of the entire country. Party leaders and workers at all levels have immense trust and faith in her. As President Sheikh Hasina is leading the party. She will be in the team is the expectation of all levels of leaders and activists. We hear about corruption in various sectors. Awami League must take steps to eliminate financial irregularities. Bangabandhu’s commitment to stand as a more dignified nation, continue democratic progress, and build a democratic society, especially in these three areas, we are a little far from expectations. This position has to be filled according to people’s expectations and it is not possible that another party will come and change everything overnight. However, the gap between expectations and achievements remains. It is about social and human dignity; It’s about selection. The government is working on these issues. The government will fulfill the expectations of the people and try to eliminate these problems. Awami League is a big party. From that point of view, some distance has been created between civil society, intellectuals, journalists, teachers, the middle class, and working people within the Awami League.

This distance must be removed. Many complain or complain, saying that Bangabandhu’s Awami League is more distant from the people than the current Awami League. The devoted leaders are on the back foot. Now the dominance is in the hands of businessmen, former bureaucrats, and new hybrid Awami Leaguers. But many people may regret it. But everything has to be judged in terms of the current situation. In the current era of information technology and people from all walks of life including former government officials, businessmen with experience playing a role in the administration of the state are associated with Awami League, it can be said with an oath that it is playing a positive role in the management of the country. However, if these various trends can be coordinated, it will be good for Awami League in the future and Awami League will be able to make a more important contribution to public service.

TCB products are being sold by trucks in different areas. It is positive that the government is trying to supply goods at lower prices. But when you see a long line behind this truck, its situation requires a deeper look. An increase in commodity prices should be kept within the purchasing power of the common man at any cost. Awami League president Sheikh Hasina said, “If you work, there will be criticism, there will be conspiracies, but the leaders and workers of Awami League must unite and move forward against those conspiracies.” Highlighting various development activities of the government, Sheikh Hasina reiterated Awami League’s plan to build a smart Bangladesh in the coming days. Bangladesh will not go backward, Bangladesh will go forward, and we will fulfill the dream of the father of the nation. Awami League made the Election Commission completely independent. Earlier, the Election Commission did not have financial capacity. It was all kept with the Prime Minister’s Office, which we handed over from the Prime Minister’s Office to the Election Commission. Arrangements have been made to pay them directly from the budget so that they can work independently.’ Highlighting her position against corruption, Sheikh Hasina mentioned, ‘My father was the president, he was the prime minister. I am a four-time prime minister. Our family does not need to be corrupt. We have come to give to the people of the country. I dedicate myself to people, we come to give not to take. Today we are moving fast after overcoming all the problems. There were obstacles in between, the Corona pandemic, and then the Russia-Ukraine war started. We don’t want war, we don’t want sanctions. All countries are independent. They have the right to move freely. All countries should have this right. War harms people, we know the horrors of war. ‘ Despite the global challenges, the current per capita income of Bangladesh is 2765 US dollars. As Bangladesh celebrates its golden jubilee of independence, the country has been elevated to advanced status. Awami League and its affiliated organizations stand by the people in any disaster. Because this is Awami League and this is the teaching of Awami League. The government led by Awami League president Sheikh Hasina has completed 15 years of three consecutive terms. At this time, the success and achievements of the government are not less. Awami League president Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman led the country’s liberation war. Awami League celebrated 50 years of independence of the country while in power and Bangabandhu’s birth centenary is celebrated as Mujib Barsha. Opponents of the government have been constantly complaining about the lack of democracy in the country. On the other hand, there is no question about the incredible development of the country.

Facing the challenge of maintaining political stability in Bangladesh during the global crisis and managing the country very well. After an incredible victory in the 11th National Parliament elections, she came to power for the third time in a row and formed a new government with a bunch of new faces. The 12th National Parliament Election will be held in 2024 as per the schedule of the Election Commission. The people of the country must sit down to compare their achievements. What did Bangladesh get in Sheikh Hasina’s 15-year rule? Elevated expressway inaugurated. The Bangabandhu Tunnel under the Karnaphuli River in Chattogram has been inaugurated. Bangladesh has also declared its position in space. Bangabandhu’s satellite launch added a new dimension to our science and technology. The enclave exchange agreement between these two countries has changed the map of Bangladesh and India. Inauguration of Metrorail and Padma Bridge are both development milestones. Successfully combating the coronavirus pandemic, education, communication infrastructure, gas, electricity, women’s education, 100% increase in salary of employees, health care, achieving self-sufficiency in food production, support of backward communities, helpless, elderly, widows, person with disabilities, divorced women under social safety net programs. Awami League government led by the Prime Minister has played a major role in the overall development of various sectors, including autism, providing support to poor freedom fighters, shelter projects, one house and one farm projects, and women empowerment.

The role of electricity in the development of a country is undeniable. Increasing power generation to 25,000 megawatts and almost 100 percent electrification, bringing record amounts of remittances to the country, reducing poverty rate, raising average life expectancy to about 73 years, formulating national education policy, increasing literacy rate to 75.6 percent, free new books in the hands of students on the first day of the year. Distribution of books, mainstreaming and recognizing Madrasa education, setting up medical universities and modernizing the medical system, initiatives to establish universities in every district, formulating women’s policy and empowering women, building digital Bangladesh, and achieving a revolution in the ICT sector, making Bangladesh the top in South Asia with outstanding success in combating the corona pandemic and 5th in the world.

Instances of a party coming to power for a third consecutive term are rare in the world. Awami League has promised to take Bangladesh forward on the path of prosperity. A new wave of economic and infrastructural development has emerged in the last 15 years. Undoubtedly, the support of young voters played a major role in the absolute victory of the Awami League-led Grand Alliance in the 11th National Assembly elections. According to the information from the election manifesto prepared by the Awami League for the 11th National Assembly elections, about one-third of the total population of the country is youth. Now there are organizations for this huge working population.

It will be difficult to strike a balance without creating employment pathways based on the skills and qualifications of the youth. Highly educated and highly skilled youth should think about job creation abroad. The quality of engineering, science, technology, and agriculture education needs to be made more dynamic and timelier to develop quality and skilled human resources to compete in the global market. At the same time ‘Skill Development Center’ should be set up for general university students. Last year, the eighth five-year plan for the period 2021-25 was approved the estimated cost of implementation of was estimated at 64 lakh 95 thousand 980 crores. At this time, a target of 1 crore 16 lakh 70 thousand employment has been set. After the implementation of the eighth five-year plan, the poverty rate will come down to 15.6 percent and the extreme poverty rate will come down to 7.4 percent. Last year, the GDP growth rate in 2025 will be 8.51 percent. The world today is full of praise for Bangladesh due to its enviable progress. Bangladesh is called the role model of development. Bangladesh is progressing in various global indices. In some indicators, it occupies the top position in South Asia. Bangladesh will be the 28th largest economy in the world in 2030. Bangladesh ranks 35th among the world’s largest economies in 2023. Naturally, the people of the country will get positive results by comparing the accounts of three consecutive terms including these four years. The leaders and workers of the party should move forward with new challenges, and make the party more modern and stronger in the next elections. However, the people will say how much the Awami League has been able to fulfill the expectations of the people. But let the relentless effort go on. May everyone’s hopes move forward, and may Bangabandhu’s dream of Sonar Bangla be established.

Hiren Pandit is a columnist and researcher

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