You Can Kill Bangabandhu but You Can’t Create a Bangabandhu

Hiren Pandit: If Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had not been born, then what would have been the birth of independent Bangladesh and the Bengali nation? There is only one answer no. Bangabandhu spoke about the future outline of his Bangladesh to various loved ones and close journalists. Shared his plan. Many people asked Bangabandhu, how long will you stay in power. Hearing this question, Bangabandhu used to laugh and say, ‘The people of Bengal as long as they want. But I hope they won’t ask me to step down immediately. Because I did not come to be in power. I have come with the mandate of forming an independent, non-sectarian Sonar Bangla. I should not relinquish power until that Bengal is formed’. The journalists used to have another question, how long do you want to live, he used to say ‘Mahatma Gandhi wanted to live for 125 years’. I don’t want to live that long. But both my parents lived long lives. It is enough for me to have such a long life. I want to establish the foundation of an independent, exploitation-free, non-communal Bangladesh in the subcontinent. But I don’t know how long the Western imperialist forces and the anti-independence reactionary forces of the country will let me live. I suspect that a bullet is constantly following me.’

Bangabandhu used to say, I am the Prime Minister of a democratic country. Is it appropriate for me to live in an iron house like a dictator? Was Lakhinder able to live in an iron house? The snake is in my house. Bangabandhu used to say, I believe in socialism. Also, a nationalist. But now it is not possible to establish full socialism in Bangladesh. If all large, medium, and small industries are nationalized now, the government treasury will not be able to fill the money to cover the loss of unprofitable industries. The paper notes should be released in the market. The resulting inflation will endanger the country’s economy.

Bangabandhu had a golden dream to change the socio-economic and political system of the entire Bangladesh. If that dream had succeeded, if he had not been killed by an assassin, if the brutal murder of August 15 had not taken place, today’s Bangabandhu’s Bangladesh would have been a better and cleaner country than Singapore and Malaysia. A welfare country free from exploitation, and corruption. Sheikh Hasina is making relentless efforts to build the Bangladesh of her father’s dream. Bangabandhu returned to national life through his daughter, from 1996 to 2001 and from 2008 to now, the realization of his dream has come a long way. So, his aspiration is towards Bangladesh, which would have been built long ago had he lived.

If Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had not been killed on August 15, Bangladesh would have become a developed country like Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore today. We are still aware of every moment of the deep depression that the nation plunged into after his death.15 August 1975 is a painful and shameful chapter in the life of the Bengali nation. On this day, with the direct and indirect support of the anti-independence conspirators at home and abroad, the father of the Bengali nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the greatest Bengali of a thousand years, was martyred with his family at his residence in Dhanmondi by some misguided members of the army. Fortunately, Bangabandhu’s daughter, the current Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina, and her younger sister, Sheikh Rehana, survived because they were out of the country. All those who were killed that day were very good people. According to the document released by the United States, “Many true patriots and honest people were brutally killed on August 15. Their administrative skills may be questioned but their patriotism and integrity are unquestionable.’

He called the creation of Bangladesh in 1971 the first revolution and three years later on January 25, 1975, Bangabandhu initiated the introduction of a new political and economic system, which he called the second revolution. Among the programs of the second revolution was the change of the system of government to the presidential system in place of the parliamentary system, the abolition of all parties and the formation of a national party called Bangladesh Krishak Sramik Awami League (BAKSAL) to include all parties of the liberation war and people from all classes and occupations, the permission of four national daily newspapers. , upgradation of subdivisions into districts, the appointment of public representatives or governors in charge of district administration, cooperative agricultural production and land management, the establishment of health complexes in rural areas, decentralization of administration, reform of the judicial system, etc.

The law-and-order situation in the country improved after Bangabandhu’s second revolution program. Commodity prices fell, prospects for political stability brightened, economic conditions improved, and the production of a wide variety of agricultural crops and products increased in rural areas. In 1974-75, the gross income growth in the country increased to 6.5-7.0 percent, which has been achieved in the fiscal year 2015-16. Despite that, the conspirators continued to spread misinformation about BAKSAL and create confusion in the public mind to create the scene of Bangabandhu’s assassination.

Bangabandhu was particularly interested in introducing a non-discriminatory society and welfare state. He strongly believed in secular society. He has fought against corruption throughout his life. Bangabandhu understood that independence does not only mean changing the flag and renaming the country, in his view, independence means cultural independence and ethical idealism.

Bangabandhu formed the Bangladesh Planning Commission and was tasked with formulating the first five-year plan. Some sectors of the economy should be given priority in the development structure of the country, it will be possible to bring a newly independent fragile economy into a planned structure by combining some sectors, taking into consideration these issues, the country’s first five-year plan was formulated in November 1973 in less than a year and a half. Socio-economic and political commitment has been prioritized in planning.

The Planning Strategy has prioritized the goal of creating a non-discriminatory society without hampering productive activities in any way. In order to put the fragile war-torn economy on a strong footing, special importance is given to the issue of safeguarding the interests of small and landless farmers through land reform in the agricultural sector and the development of cooperative farming systems. In the industrial sector, instructions have been given to keep the large industrial establishments under state ownership and to establish small and cottage industries under private ownership. In the field of international trade, emphasis has been placed on the private management of small businesses with special emphasis on state and co-operative-owned enterprises.

In addition to the general objectives, the development plan of the Father of the Nation has also formulated a sector-wise development framework. In particular, the development philosophy in the agricultural sector was to transform traditional agriculture into modern agriculture with a view to achieving sustainable growth. As a result, income in the agricultural sector will increase, employment will increase among the growing rural population, income distribution will be accelerated by reducing rural poverty, and export income will increase by increasing domestic agricultural production. As a result, the foreign exchange reserve situation will improve and the nutritional security situation will be improved by increasing the production of grains, fish, animal products, fruits, vegetables, and sugar.

Bangabandhu took into account every sector of the economy with due importance in his development thinking and formulated development plans, he did not stop with just formulating development plans, he constantly encouraged people to contribute to national development through efficient implementation of the plans.On 15 January 1975, Bangabandhu said in his first police week speech, ‘Life is very transient – we must remember this. Neither I nor any of you will take anything with us after death except a few yards of cloth. But why do you exploit people, torture people? If you oppress the poor, you will have to answer to Allah. So, I request not only you, but all the government employees, to serve those whose money runs our family. For those whose money we are running today, take care that they don’t suffer.’

Bangabandhu always dreamed of making Bangladesh a self-respecting nation. From that thought, he said, ‘You have to be self-sufficient. Just as a man who begs has no honor, a nation who begs has no honor. I don’t want to lead a nation of beggars. I want my country to be self-sufficient and must work hard for that.

In this context, Bangabandhu’s speech delivered at the Military Academy on January 11, 1975 can be recalled, ‘You need to remember one thing now. When we have the country, when we have the soil, when we have the golden people of Bangladesh, then we will get everything. If we can create a golden boy, then inshallah my dream Golden Bengal will happen one day. I may not be able to see it. But it will happen.

However, Bangabandhu laid the foundation for Bangladesh’s progress, and Prime Minister Bangabandhu’s daughter Sheikh Hasina is taking it forward. Prime Minister Bangabandhu’s daughter Sheikh Hasina, the successor of the Father of the Nation’s development ideas, is taking Bangladesh to a unique height at the national and international levels. Bangladesh has emerged as a role model for many countries in the world. to lead We can say that under the leadership of Prime Minister Bangabandhu’s daughter Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh will surely stand tall in the heart of the world as a developed and prosperous Bangladesh by 2041.

The work of reconstruction was described in the budget of 1972-1973. In this reconstruction, many friendly countries gave help on Bangabandhu’s call, which was not required to be repaid. Among these aid countries were India, (Soviet Union) Russia, the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Germany, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands. Bangabandhu’s goal was to achieve self-sufficiency in food production as soon as possible. Besides, the budget of 1972-73 gave importance to the education sector after the rehabilitation. The goal of Bangabandhu’s thought and efforts and contributions to form the economic structure of the state was to alleviate the suffering of the poor people of Bengal and to provide food, clothing, education, good health and employment for all, and to build a society without discrimination.

The killing of Bangabandhu and his family on August 15 is one of the most heinous, barbaric and brutal murders in the history of human civilization. It wasn’t just murder. There were also conspiracies to stall the progress of the newly independent nation forever. A promising politician who devoted his entire life to the service of his nation was killed so brutally that people of our country still cry and say you can kill a Bangabandhu but you can’t create a Bangabandhu.

Hiren Pandit is a columnist
and a researcher.

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