The Ukraine-Russia War Increasing Global Crisis and Miseries of the People

Hiren Pandit

Due to the Russia-Ukraine war, high oil prices in the global market have influenced US voters. As a result of this war, the aggressor powers are profiting, the use and production of weapons are increasing, people are becoming homeless and refugees constantly, food security is being disrupted, and people are being credited by inflation. Almost everything in developing countries has slowed or stopped growing.

The US has renewed sanctions against Russia on the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine. On Friday, this ban was given to several individuals and organizations including Russia, various firms, banks, producers and others. The US Treasury Department says these individuals and institutions have helped the Kremlin evade previous sanctions against Russia. The sanctions are meant to ensure that banned materials do not reach Russian hands. At least 90 companies from Russia and outside Russia, including China, have come under this ban. Meanwhile, the White House has promised to continue helping Ukraine as long as needed. At the same time, it has been said to maintain a strict stance against Russia. Meanwhile, the US has also announced $550 million in aid to Ukraine and its neighbor Moldova to strengthen energy infrastructure.

It’s been a year since the Ukraine-Russia war—and there’s no sign of the war stopping. Since the start of the war on 24 February 2022, almost every day there has been talked of a ceasefire, but no one has been able to reach a solution even in 365 days. The war is now not limited to Russia-Ukraine but spread all over the world. Everyone wants a solution, but everything seems to be stuck. Turkey has advanced, and France has tried but nothing has worked. Turkish President Erdogan has also made several peace proposals including a ceasefire proposal. China put forward a 12-point peace proposal to end the war for the first time on Friday’s anniversary. Where Beijing has given a clear indication to stop ‘adding fuel to the fire’ aimed at the United States. Strict observance of universally accepted international law respecting the sovereignty of all countries. It has been mentioned to uphold the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter. Small or big, strong or weak, rich or poor, all countries are members of the international community. Everyone has equal rights. All parties should jointly protect international fairness and justice by upholding the basic rules of international relations. Refrain from double-dealing. A country’s dependence on the economy of another country for its internal security should not justify and expand its military power to achieve security. Pursue a vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative, balanced effective sustainable security for all.

War without loss benefits no one. Adding fuel to the fire should avoid spreading the heat and increasing tension. Refrain from actions that exacerbate the crisis. Everyone should push the two countries towards negotiations for a Ukraine-Russia ceasefire.Dialogue and negotiation are the only viable solutions to the Ukraine crisis. To support all efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of disputes. Everyone should follow the principle of impartiality. Humanitarian issues should not be politicized. Ensuring the safety of all citizens. Women, children, and other victims of conflict must be protected. The fundamental rights of prisoners of war should be respected. All parties must comply with the Nuclear Safety Convention. Preventing the spread of the threat or use of nuclear weapons. Initiatives to effectively implement the Black Sea Grain Agreement signed by Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, and the United Nations. The United Nations should be supported to play an important role in this regard. Global food security must be ensured.

Unauthorized unilateral sanctions by the UN Security Council are exacerbating the crisis. It is necessary to oppose the use of the world economy as a tool for political purposes. All measures to support post-conflict reconstruction in conflict zones.Due to the effects of the war, the prices of daily goods and services rose unbridled throughout the world within a year. On the contrary, people’s income did not increase during the economic recession. As a result, the consumer is forced to reduce the purchase of food items. At the same time, the cost of travel, education, entertainment and other sectors has to be reduced. In order to reconcile income and expenditure under existing conditions, people first cut down on all apparently non-essential expenses.

Due to the shock of the global recession, it has now taken a prominent shape and this war has caused problems in Bangladesh. The negative impact of which is most on low-income people. Now the impact is hitting the consumer. Due to the impact of the recession, the prices of all types of products have increased in the international market in the last year. At the same time, the dollar rose by more than 25 percent. It has increased the price of all types of goods and services including imported goods. Employment did not increase due to stagnant economic activity and lack of investment. Many of those who were working have been fired. Many of the employees are not getting a regular salary.

According to the report of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the consumption trend of people has decreased due to the increase in the price of products in Bangladesh. In this, the consumption of rice, protein, and edible oil has decreased. According to another report, the crisis exists among low-income people. Their income is low, and the price of food is high, so they cannot buy food as needed.

Apart from food, the prices of essential services have increased unbridled. In this, the price of electricity has increased by 10 percent in two phases. Gas prices have increased twice. Along with this, the prices of all other products and services have also increased. Among them, the fare of public transport has increased by almost 100%. All these have increased the cost of living unbridled.

People are struggling to make ends meet due to increases in commodity prices. As a result, they are unable to save. They are even breaking the previous savings and making a living for the family. This has put a strain on national savings. People are withdrawing money from banks and keeping it in their hands. In December of the last financial year, the money in the hands of people instead of banks increased by 1 thousand 205 crores. In the same period of the current financial year, it has increased to 31 thousand 733 crores. As a result, more money than before has come into people’s hands.

The population of Bangladesh is currently suffering from two types of malnutrition. Malnutrition due to lack of food and malnutrition due to food-related chronic non-communicable diseases. Malnutrition due to lack of food, children are stunted and underweight. According to the FAO report, every day an adult cannot eat what an average person needs. As such, low-income people are not able to take food. As a result, they are suffering from various diseases.

We must find a way to end this bloody and catastrophic crisis. Various sanctions and counter-sanctions are deeply affecting people around the world, especially in countries directly involved in the conflict, and more so in the developing and least developed world.The continuing and expanding impact of the war in Ukraine and other simultaneous crises have caused deep wounds to our societies and economies, especially developing countries, and have added many new challenges to our efforts to overcome the Covid situation and the implementation of the SDGs. However, no single country can face these challenges alone. What we need most right now are strong political commitment and global solidarity.

World leaders must deal with global financial and economic turmoil. Special efforts to address immediate concerns must be strengthened. Commit to supporting any future initiatives to protect food production and distribution systems from damage during the conflict. Bold and comprehensive steps are needed to revitalize global trade and ensure a fairer share of low- and middle-income countries in global trade and export earnings. Emphasis should be placed on increasing investment in the agricultural sector of developing countries to increase productivity and for effective food storage and distribution systems. Technology support should be increased to create new business opportunities. Call for a more effective and equitable global framework for climate cooperation. It should be used to address the concerns of vulnerable countries.

The Policy provides important policy guidance for mobilizing the UN system to respond to the crisis and we must work with other partners to come up with the right policy options to emerge from this crisis.No matter how heavy the scale of nuclear power is, everyone hopes that this weapon will never be used. UN Secretary-General António Guterres also expressed hope that the Russia-Ukraine war will end through a diplomatic settlement without going further into bloodshed. Based on his statement, we also want to believe that this war will end in 2023, and that the suffering of the common people will end.

Hiren Pandit is a columnist

and a research fellow.

The Ukraine-Russia War Increasing Global Crisis and Miseries of the People
Hiren Pandit

The Ukraine-Russia War Increasing Global Crisis and Miseries of the People

Due to the Russia-Ukraine war, high oil prices in the global market have influenced US voters. As a result of this war, the aggressor powers are profiting, the use and production of weapons are increasing, people are becoming homeless and refugees constantly, food security is being disrupted, and people are being credited by inflation. Almost everything in developing countries has slowed or stopped growing.

The US has renewed sanctions against Russia on the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine. On Friday, this ban was given to several individuals and organizations including Russia, various firms, banks, producers and others. The US Treasury Department says these individuals and institutions have helped the Kremlin evade previous sanctions against Russia. The sanctions are meant to ensure that banned materials do not reach Russian hands. At least 90 companies from Russia and outside Russia, including China, have come under this ban. Meanwhile, the White House has promised to continue helping Ukraine as long as needed. At the same time, it has been said to maintain a strict stance against Russia. Meanwhile, the US has also announced $550 million in aid to Ukraine and its neighbor Moldova to strengthen energy infrastructure.

It’s been a year since the Ukraine-Russia war—and there’s no sign of the war stopping. Since the start of the war on 24 February 2022, almost every day there has been talked of a ceasefire, but no one has been able to reach a solution even in 365 days. The war is now not limited to Russia-Ukraine but spread all over the world. Everyone wants a solution, but everything seems to be stuck. Turkey has advanced, and France has tried but nothing has worked. Turkish President Erdogan has also made several peace proposals including a ceasefire proposal. China put forward a 12-point peace proposal to end the war for the first time on Friday’s anniversary. Where Beijing has given a clear indication to stop ‘adding fuel to the fire’ aimed at the United States. Strict observance of universally accepted international law respecting the sovereignty of all countries. It has been mentioned to uphold the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter. Small or big, strong or weak, rich or poor, all countries are members of the international community. Everyone has equal rights. All parties should jointly protect international fairness and justice by upholding the basic rules of international relations. Refrain from double-dealing. A country’s dependence on the economy of another country for its internal security should not justify and expand its military power to achieve security. Pursue a vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative, balanced effective sustainable security for all.

War without loss benefits no one. Adding fuel to the fire should avoid spreading the heat and increasing tension. Refrain from actions that exacerbate the crisis. Everyone should push the two countries towards negotiations for a Ukraine-Russia ceasefire.Dialogue and negotiation are the only viable solutions to the Ukraine crisis. To support all efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of disputes. Everyone should follow the principle of impartiality. Humanitarian issues should not be politicized. Ensuring the safety of all citizens. Women, children, and other victims of conflict must be protected. The fundamental rights of prisoners of war should be respected. All parties must comply with the Nuclear Safety Convention. Preventing the spread of the threat or use of nuclear weapons. Initiatives to effectively implement the Black Sea Grain Agreement signed by Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, and the United Nations. The United Nations should be supported to play an important role in this regard. Global food security must be ensured.

Unauthorized unilateral sanctions by the UN Security Council are exacerbating the crisis. It is necessary to oppose the use of the world economy as a tool for political purposes. All measures to support post-conflict reconstruction in conflict zones.Due to the effects of the war, the prices of daily goods and services rose unbridled throughout the world within a year. On the contrary, people’s income did not increase during the economic recession. As a result, the consumer is forced to reduce the purchase of food items. At the same time, the cost of travel, education, entertainment and other sectors has to be reduced. In order to reconcile income and expenditure under existing conditions, people first cut down on all apparently non-essential expenses.

Due to the shock of the global recession, it has now taken a prominent shape and this war has caused problems in Bangladesh. The negative impact of which is most on low-income people. Now the impact is hitting the consumer. Due to the impact of the recession, the prices of all types of products have increased in the international market in the last year. At the same time, the dollar rose by more than 25 percent. It has increased the price of all types of goods and services including imported goods. Employment did not increase due to stagnant economic activity and lack of investment. Many of those who were working have been fired. Many of the employees are not getting a regular salary.

According to the report of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the consumption trend of people has decreased due to the increase in the price of products in Bangladesh. In this, the consumption of rice, protein, and edible oil has decreased. According to another report, the crisis exists among low-income people. Their income is low, and the price of food is high, so they cannot buy food as needed.

Apart from food, the prices of essential services have increased unbridled. In this, the price of electricity has increased by 10 percent in two phases. Gas prices have increased twice. Along with this, the prices of all other products and services have also increased. Among them, the fare of public transport has increased by almost 100%. All these have increased the cost of living unbridled.

People are struggling to make ends meet due to increases in commodity prices. As a result, they are unable to save. They are even breaking the previous savings and making a living for the family. This has put a strain on national savings. People are withdrawing money from banks and keeping it in their hands. In December of the last financial year, the money in the hands of people instead of banks increased by 1 thousand 205 crores. In the same period of the current financial year, it has increased to 31 thousand 733 crores. As a result, more money than before has come into people’s hands.

The population of Bangladesh is currently suffering from two types of malnutrition. Malnutrition due to lack of food and malnutrition due to food-related chronic non-communicable diseases. Malnutrition due to lack of food, children are stunted and underweight. According to the FAO report, every day an adult cannot eat what an average person needs. As such, low-income people are not able to take food. As a result, they are suffering from various diseases.

We must find a way to end this bloody and catastrophic crisis. Various sanctions and counter-sanctions are deeply affecting people around the world, especially in countries directly involved in the conflict, and more so in the developing and least developed world.The continuing and expanding impact of the war in Ukraine and other simultaneous crises have caused deep wounds to our societies and economies, especially developing countries, and have added many new challenges to our efforts to overcome the Covid situation and the implementation of the SDGs. However, no single country can face these challenges alone. What we need most right now are strong political commitment and global solidarity.

World leaders must deal with global financial and economic turmoil. Special efforts to address immediate concerns must be strengthened. Commit to supporting any future initiatives to protect food production and distribution systems from damage during the conflict. Bold and comprehensive steps are needed to revitalize global trade and ensure a fairer share of low- and middle-income countries in global trade and export earnings. Emphasis should be placed on increasing investment in the agricultural sector of developing countries to increase productivity and for effective food storage and distribution systems. Technology support should be increased to create new business opportunities. Call for a more effective and equitable global framework for climate cooperation. It should be used to address the concerns of vulnerable countries.

The Policy provides important policy guidance for mobilizing the UN system to respond to the crisis and we must work with other partners to come up with the right policy options to emerge from this crisis.No matter how heavy the scale of nuclear power is, everyone hopes that this weapon will never be used. UN Secretary-General António Guterres also expressed hope that the Russia-Ukraine war will end through a diplomatic settlement without going further into bloodshed. Based on his statement, we also want to believe that this war will end in 2023, and that the suffering of the common people will end.

Hiren Pandit is a columnist
and a research fellow.

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