Sheikh Hasina and the Changing Story of Bangladesh

Hiren Pandit: Now the Awami League is in power under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the daughter of the father of the nation, Bangabandhu, and she has been working for the welfare of the people. Sheikh Hasina has walked the path of history, no one is seen like this in contemporary history.

The people considered that an heir of Bangabandhu’s blood could save the Awami League it became essential to keep the Awami League united after the brutal assassination of Bangabandhu. It was necessary to sustain the existence of the Awami League. Everyone knows that Sheikh Hasina did BCL politics during her student life. Eden was the VP of Girls’ College. She was on the streets during the six-point movement. Therefore, in the special council of Awami League held in February 1981, Sheikh Hasina, who lived in exile in the capital of India, was made the president of the party.

After the assassination of Bangabandhu at the hands of anti-independence domestic and foreign gangs, black darkness engulfed Bangladesh, she was the first to light the torch of light to chase away that darkness. That torch, after the initial crisis limitation continues to shine, begins well-turn for liberation. Just as the Bengali is united in the morning to remove all the garbage, she is rich in promise, so the wind of auspicious promise is seen blowing from the day of her return to the country on May 17, 1981. Sheikh Hasina is moving towards the fulfillment of her incomplete dream as the father of the nation Bangabandhu took forward a war-torn country.

Under Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s dynamic leadership and long-term plan, achieving MDGs, implementing SDGs, launching Padma Bridge and Metrorail, education, health, gender equality, agriculture, reducing poverty line, increasing life expectancy, export-oriented industrialization, 100 special economic zones, apparel industry, pharmaceutical industry, export earnings Various economic indicators have increased with growth. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has done various development activities for the country during the tenure of this government.

Like her father, Sheikh Hasina is a firm believer in democracy. She was at the forefront of the movement to establish voting rights in this country. She also feels the pain of the poor people of the country most deeply. She is also focused on managing the country’s economy. In 1996, under her leadership, the Awami League came to power after winning the parliamentary elections. Sheikh Hasina took over as Prime Minister for the first time. Then she became the Prime Minister for the second time in 2008, third in 2014, fourth time in the 2018 elections and 5th time on 07 January 2024. Sheikh Hasina led the Awami League as a symbol of party unity in the most difficult times. She always fought in the struggle for democracy.

She has repeatedly returned from death’s door. Sheikh Hasina made possible the impossible by forming the government in 1996 to bring Bangabandhu’s killers to justice and later to bring war criminals to justice in 2010. That opportunity came to carry forward the ideals of the Bengali nation. Bangladesh has now managed to create a respectable and strong position on the world map. The name Bangladesh is being used loudly in world politics; Bangladesh is a development model today. In the new world, Bangladesh is facing new challenges and dealing with them efficiently and successfully. The signature of efficiency in the implementation of MDGs and the implementation of SDGs is still being maintained.

We should always move forward in the spirit of nationalism. Bengalis have never lost in the past and will never lose in the future. With the cooperation of all, regardless of party affiliation, Bangladesh should stand tall among the nations of the world. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been working continuously to establish Bengali nationalism in the spirit of the liberation war, fostering democratic culture, building a society free from exploitation, and building a developed, prosperous, modern, progressive state system. Bangladesh is crossing 53 years of birth. Bangladesh is progressing in many ways a country prospers only through progress.

If other countries of the world recognize and appreciate Bangladesh’s progress, it is very positive and inspiring. Bangladesh’s journey of the last five decades from a war-torn poor country to a fast-growing economy has been remarkable. Bangladesh is progressing in many ways. Which has been discussed in different countries of the world. During the Great Liberation War in 1971, the economy of Bangladesh was 9 billion dollars. In the last 5 decades, it has increased to 450 billion dollars. Average life expectancy increased from 47 years to 73 years. The education rate has also exceeded 75 percent. And these achievements can be called incredible. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh has achieved remarkable progress in various sectors including food production, disaster tolerance, bringing down poverty from 40 percent to 18 percent, health, education sector development, and women empowerment. The task of taking Bangladesh forward was not easy.

The progress of the country continues despite various setbacks. As a result, it is the duty of the concerned to take the issues that are coming up as a motivation to take more steps and be proactive towards achieving the overall prosperity of the country. It should be taken into account that Bangladesh’s achievements in countering extremism as a liberal country are commendable. People have always sought to maintain support for democracy and the rule of law rather than authoritarian rule. On the other hand, Bangladesh is working based on the cooperation of all to ensure regional and international security, combat terrorism, and prevent climate change.

On the other hand, sheltering Rohingyas, Bangladesh has sheltered more than 1.2 million Rohingyas facing genocide in Myanmar. Apart from this, the steps taken by Bangladesh in the leadership seat of the United Nations peacekeeping program to deal with the coronavirus epidemic are very promising. As a result, taking into account the overall situation, the necessary initiatives must be continued to move the country forward and achieve the SDGs in 2030 and build Smart Bangladesh in 2041 with more far-reaching development. Sheikh Hasina is always trying to advance those possibilities by providing necessary cooperation and patronage.

From time-to-time instructions have been given to the concerned government departments and ministries, as a result of which new sectors of potential are being developed. Potential new sectors playing a very strong role in achieving prosperity Bangladesh’s story and prospects are impressive. The country has achieved self-sufficiency in food production and has become a role model in disaster management.

Bangladesh has empowered women and reduced infant mortality. The story of Bangladesh is how the country beat all odds and self-financed billions of dollars to build a bridge over the mighty Padma River and inaugurated the bridge on June 25 year 2022. Metrorail launched in December 2022, things are unbelievable to many.

The story is about its growing portfolio of mega-structures and the launch of Bangabandhu Satellite-1 the second one in the works. The story of Bangladesh is about the migration of millions of Bangladeshis who are increasing the country’s foreign exchange reserves by sending huge amounts of remittances. Bangladesh’s evolution from a classic debt-dependent, fragile economy to a respectable growth rate and a confident future is no miracle. This evolution is possible because of Sheikh Hasina’s vision.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is taking the country from a largely aid-dependent country to one that relies on its resources. Singlehandedly, she took Bangladesh into the digital age, into the age of nuclear energy, and the age of space technology. Under her steady and pragmatic leadership, the country has successfully tackled terrorism, extremism and climate challenges. Bangladesh is considered as a stable and prosperous country in the world. It fulfills its international obligations, observes international treaties, and respects the cultural rights of all people.

Digital Bangladesh is already working to improve and modernize the quality of life of the citizens and facilitate the citizens. Services, education, health, management, working methods, industry, trade and production, economy, social and cultural life in digital mode. As technology has become accessible to every citizen of the country, arrangements are being made to reach marginalized people as well. Technology has become a trusted medium in all civic services and livelihoods. Many changes and many developments!

The country has progressed in many aspects including infrastructure. The Awami League government has made infrastructure development and civic services at the doorsteps of the people, made it easy and it must be accepted that there are strict instructions from the head of government. Without seeing the communication system and road structure in the villages and remote areas, one cannot believe how easily the people of these areas have been able to accept the life and livelihood, and have become accustomed to it. Sheikh Hasina’s dream is to take the country forward in the spirit of the liberation war and to give the people of the country a taste of development.

The main goal was to write the history of the liberation war, to place Bangabandhu’s existence in the history of the liberation war, and to place him in a proper place of dignity. The great freedom struggle of Bangladesh promised to fulfill the basic rights of the countrymen such as food, clothing, shelter, medical care and education. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is walking on the path of development, progress and prosperity by facing various domestic and foreign challenges. She is making relentless efforts to build a progressive, democratic and non-communal Bangladesh free from hunger and poverty.

So far, she has distributed houses with land among 5 lakh 55 thousand 617 homeless families and made more than 2.7 lakh people resettled. The government is working to successfully implement four foundations to build a smart Bangladesh. These are Smart Citizens, Smart Economy, Smart Government and Smart Society. Apart from this, the plan of how the delta will be in the year 2100 has been undertaken.

All works in Smart Bangladesh will be done through technology. Where every citizen will be proficient in using technology. Smart Bangladesh of 2041 will be a cost-effective, sustainable, intellectual, knowledge-based and innovative Bangladesh. Smart healthcare, smart transportation, smart utilities, urban administration, public safety, agriculture, internet connectivity and disaster management will be ensured for the implementation of smart cities and smart villages.

Sheikh Hasina has been leading the country for more than 15 years as the Prime Minister and one of the reasons why Bangladesh has not fallen into any major economic crisis like other countries in the current global economic crisis is that she has been able to take the economic base of the country in a strong position during this time. Otherwise, it would have been very difficult to save the country of 17 crore people from disaster even during this crisis. Equal participation of men and women, ensuring access to technology for all, rich and poor, and bridging the gap in access to urban and rural services were all key drivers of Digital Bangladesh.

The whole world is passing through an unstable economic situation today. At the end of 2019, the world was hit by the coronavirus pandemic. In these two years 2020 and 2021, a deep wound was created in the world economy. Many countries’ economies collapsed. Our economy also suffers. Just as our economy was recovering from the damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine war broke out.

And this war is not just a war of arms; Added to this is a terrible economic war. The effects of economic warfare are not confined to a single country but spread worldwide. The post-Russia-Ukraine war economic embargo-reciprocal embargo has crippled the global economy.

As the loss of life due to coronavirus has been reduced by taking timely measures, all efforts have been made to keep the economy running. The main goal of this government is to work for the welfare of the people. No one wants people to suffer or suffer. Due to economic reasons, the prices of daily necessities have increased. It is starting to become more normal now. Inflation is also coming down. As soon as the price of any commodity including fuel oil falls in the world market, the government will adjust it. The Prime Minister addressed the countrymen by urging them to increase food production, we need to increase agricultural production. Our soil is fertile. Why do we need to import agricultural products from outside where trees grow and bear fruit when seeds are planted in the ground? We have to utilize every inch of land and not leave it fallow. Crisis will come. Don’t be afraid of crisis.

With everyone’s help, Bangladesh has been able to deal with the coronavirus pandemic successfully. Bangladesh will also successfully deal with the current global recession. After an incredible victory in the 11th National Parliament elections, she came to power for the third time in a row and formed a new government with a bunch of new faces. The 12th National Parliament election is ahead.

The people of the country will surely sit to compare their achievements and non-achievements. What did Bangladesh get in Sheikh Hasina’s 15-year rule? But beyond everything, our beloved motherland Bangladesh has risen to a new height. The new generation has to carry forward this achievement. Collective efforts of all are needed to move the country forward in the spirit of the liberation war.

The writer is a columnist and a researcher

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