People’s expectations for a peaceful National Parliament election

Hiren Pandit: The people of this country want peaceful and safe elections. Everyone has the right to do politics in a peaceful environment. The government has also promised to provide all kinds of cooperation in organizing peaceful elections. Free, impartial and participatory elections are expected by all. Awami League wants peaceful elections to keep the promises made by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Awami League to the people.

From September-October, under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina, all the forces, including those of the supporters of the liberation war, will march towards victory in the next election, everyone has come to know from the news published in the media.

As long as the same trend is not returned to our country’s politics, the trend of unnecessary snubbing of foreigners will not go away. It is the great weakness of our internal politics that we want to cut off our own noses to break the next journey.

If the politicians do not correct themselves, outsiders will be able to listen, it will not do any good. There will be no welfare of the country. So country, mother, motherland and freedom are above all, the more you remember it, the better for the country.

Despite various uncertainties and fears, the mood of the upcoming 12th National Parliament elections is being felt. In spite of many disappointments, there is a bright streak of light before the nation. In the meantime, various rumors are floating in the air. People don’t want to listen to those rumors. The peaceful people of the country do not want to see or understand any reason for despair.

The 12th National Assembly elections may be held at the end of this year. A successful election requires the participation of all parties and people of all opinions. In this regard, the role of the Election Commission is important, but the government must be supportive. Elections are essential for handing over power to a new government for a new term after the completion of the term.

But how will that election? Who will do it? Will the election be guaranteed to be fair? Or the next election will be one-sided? To bring all the parties to the election, the Election Commission must first create an environment for the election. So that all the citizens can cast their vote freely for the person of their choice, the Election Commission should perform that duty properly. The Election Commission should ensure a fair and healthy political environment by making a realistic action plan in advance.

The crisis of trust between political parties should be resolved through discussion. Other parties should also come forward to cooperate. But the people will vote for the preferred candidate, the main responsibility of creating that field is the Election Commission.

Everyone wants a fair, beautiful, free, impartial and acceptable election. Bangladesh has become a developing country. Bangladesh is working towards establishing a prosperous and smart Bangladesh, free from exploitation and discrimination, free from hunger and poverty through the implementation of SDGs. In a democratic regime, the best means of changing the government is through fair and free elections.

Through elections, the people can elect representatives of their choice and hold the governing power. If there is no rigging in the elections, democracy becomes institutionalized. But in developing countries, the basic structure of democracy is very weak due to widespread rigging of elections. As a result, there is political instability in the country. Free and fair elections are essential to institutionalize democracy.

The Election Commission has to fulfill its due responsibilities for free and fair elections. The Election Commission has been made independent by the new law.

The Election Commission is now fully independent, strong and responsible. So fair elections can be expected. Because all the responsibilities of conducting the election are vested in the Election Commission. The election commission is responsible for preparing the voter list, announcing the election date, formulating the election code of conduct and monitoring the election environment.

Therefore, free and fair elections are not possible without a strong Election Commission.

The fair election before democracy. A fair, fair and impartial election can give the nation a beautiful parliament. If all the parties participate, there will be no question about the election. In this case, the role of the government party is very important. Apart from this, the Election Commission has to discuss with all the parties and arrange the election with the popular opinions.

Care must be taken to ensure that the upcoming national parliament elections are not controversial. Care must be taken to ensure that the country does not face dire consequences. It should be remembered that history will not forgive if the country’s democratic governance is jeopardized due to any ill-advised decision or mistake of the politicians, and the election goes wrong.

Democracy is a prerequisite for the vitality and development of a state. The present government is developing the country by keeping the life of democracy alive. And democracy means self-respect, justice, good governance, and human development, that is, creating bonds of harmony and harmony with each other. Many people are in fear and panic about the upcoming 12th National Parliament elections.

Is there any violence, unrest, or political tension before the election? However, if such an unwanted situation arises or someone wants to create it, the outcome may not be good. The people will answer them as they should.

Rumors have already started whether the election will be confrontational or not or whether it will be participatory or not. Moreover, even if there is an election, people are wondering whether it will turn into violence or not. People want fair, free and peaceful elections in a fear-free environment. This demand is the fundamental right of the people. People do not want to stumble from getting this right. A large part of the people are the poor, the helpless, the miserable and the common people. And it is the responsibility of the elected government of a democratic state to make the common people happy.

The Election Commission works independently. The Independent Electoral Commission invited the delegation of the European Union with the aim of conducting a free, fair and participatory impartial election. In response to that invitation, the EU delegation has arrived, sending observers to the elections and monitoring various preparatory issues. They will also hold meetings with various political parties.

Before the election, everyone must follow the election laws and regulations in order to implement the promise of keeping the election free from influence and interference. Election interference, the spread of influence, black money, misuse of religion, spreading seeds of communalism etc. must be strictly monitored.

The curiosity about the elections in the public mind will gradually build up, the election process will also take a final form. People’s talk about the activities, movements and behavior of major political parties is gradually creating a new atmosphere. The European Union (EU) and development-supporting countries and organizations are working to make the upcoming parliamentary elections free, fair and impartial.

Meanwhile, these organizations are talking about sending observation missions and various assistance. We will gradually see many of these things over time. First of all, win and defeat’s mental preparation and goodwill are very important in the election of political parties.

Dhaka’s aspiration to pursue an independent domestic and foreign policy while upholding the interests of Bangladesh is well known that elections are one of the most important components in the maintenance of democratic culture in the civilized world. Free and fair elections are a constitutional-ethical duty and obligation under the ongoing government in all developed-developing-underdeveloped countries.

In a democratic state system, the mutual agreement-cooperation-harmony and polite behavior of the ruling party and the strong opposition party make democracy truly meaningful. By organizing various meetings-meetings-seminars-symposiums, the mistakes of the government can be highlighted in an impersonal perspective and positive-constructive criticism can be attributed to the unique success of the government in running the country. No system of power grabs like char grabs is characteristic of modern political culture.

Bangladesh is independent-sovereign. Those organizations or individuals have no authority to speak about the internal affairs of the country. However, what they are saying, they are devoid of reality and completely baseless. Those who have no idea about Bangladesh are suddenly saying different things every now and then. I don’t think there is any need to emphasize them. The government will not even bother with them.

Bangladesh is moving forward and the progress will continue. Bangladesh will be a smart country by 2041, with smart people, smart economy, smart society as well as smart-skilled manpower. This will fulfill the dream of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. A free, fair, credible and participatory election must be ensured in the country.

The writer is a columnist & a researcher

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