Despite Challenges Awami League working for fulfilling all Expectations of the People

Awami League is a political party that emerged from within the people. Awami League to accompany the necessary changes with time. Looking at the political evolution of the subcontinent from the British period till today, a continuity is visible. Progressive democratic political trends are equally prevalent in this region along with traditional political trends.
Bangladesh Awami League is the most traditional and oldest political party of Bangladesh which has contributed the most to the history of Bangladesh politics. Established on June 23, 1949, in Rose Garden, Dhaka. In the beginning, the name of the party was not Awami League. The party which was called Awami Muslim League at birth is today’s Awami League. The first committee was chaired by Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani. The general secretary was Shamsul Haque of Tangail. The joint secretary was Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, a young leader of that time. Bangabandhu’s unfinished autobiography mentions that time. When the party was being launched in Dhaka’s Rose Garden, the young leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was in jail.
In his unfinished autobiography, he wrote, “There was a lot of agitation going on for the worker’s conference. We got that news while sitting in jail. Office at 150 Mughaltuli….We were spending days worrying about the outcome of the conference. I was contacted for my opinion. I informed them, ‘There is no use in going after the Muslim League. This institution has now become a public institution. … They have made a camp. It can no longer be called a people’s institution. … I was also asked, shall I form a student body, or join a political body if it is formed? I sent a reply, I will not do student politics anymore, I will do work for political institutions. Because if the opposition cannot be formed, the dictatorship will continue in this country. … All agreed to form new political institutions; its name is given. East Pakistan Awami Muslim League. Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani was the president, Mr. Shamsul Haque was the general secretary and I was made the joint secretary. I saw in the newspaper, next to my name is written ‘security prisoner’. I thought Pakistan was over. There is no need for communal political institutions. It will be a non-sectarian organization with a fair manifesto.”
The non-communal political institution envisioned by the young Sheikh Mujib did not take long to materialize. The East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, formed in 1949, subsequently dropped the word Muslim from its name and transformed the leadership of the party into a non-communal party. It was a bold decision then.
Bangladesh Awami League carries all expectations of the people of Bangladesh. The democratic, patriotic and progressive forces of the country play a responsible role to institutionalize democracy. Bangladesh Awami League is a people’s party relentlessly working to meet the expectations of the people of Bangladesh with continuing positive progress in fulfilling the dreams of the people of this country as a more orderly, well-organized, modern and smart political party. Awami League’s unstoppable progress of development and prosperity will continue under the leadership of Bangabandhu’s daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Awami League is determined to spread the breeze of non-communal spirit in the country’s politics by upholding the spirit of the liberation war.

Bangladesh Awami League, the organizational craftsman of the construction of Bangladesh, is a timely guide to guide the country in a new way. Awami League has shown light whenever this country has been plunged into darkness by the misrule of dictatorship. Bangabandhu’s Awami League led by Sheikh Hasina, the pulse of love of millions of people, should continue this ideological journey of continuous struggle. Bangabandhu means Bangladesh, Awami League means the power to show the way.
The conference of Bangladesh Awami League, the oldest and largest political party in the country, is an expression of democratic practice. This party was formed by Bangabandhu and has contributed a lot to the country. However, the nation’s expectations from Awami League are much higher than this. The daughter of Bangabandhu Sheikh Hasina is now leading this party. There has been a lot of development in the country, there have been many mega projects, and the government has handled the Covid-19 pandemic well. Apart from this, there have been many positive achievements. But in some cases, there is a shortfall in meeting people’s expectations.
In fact, there is no end to people’s expectations. But people’s expectations are more towards Awami League than any other core. The people expect human values, democracy, civil rights and people involved in running the country at a very high level. In fact, if the expectations are high, there is some talk of disappointment. Disappointment occurs when there is a gap between expectation and achievement. To overcome disappointment, one must stay close to human expectations. We hear about corruption in various sectors. Awami League must take steps to eliminate financial irregularities. Bangabandhu’s commitment to standing as a more dignified nation, continuing democratic progress and creating a democratic society – we are a little far from expectations in these three areas. Human expectations have to fill this space and it is not possible that another party will come and change them overnight. However, the gap between expectations and achievements remains. It is about social and human dignity; it is about elections. We hope that the government will try to eliminate them.
However, looking at the Awami League a continuous period of power for the last 14 years, it seems that the Awami League is losing speed as a party? In Awami League, which once had a fleet of nationally enlightened central leadership, there was a tested face of people-oriented honest ideological and experienced politics at the grassroots, today the picture is completely different. The time has come to discuss how successful the Awami League has been in separating the party and the government. Although many central leaders of the party are in touch with the leaders and workers of the country, they are not in power. As he is not able to play a role in the implementation of party promises, he is also unable to do anything for the workers. When the workers come, they have nothing to offer except to give food. Many people stay away from power, even if they are in organizational responsibilities, they are not even members of the party. There is no visible example of how this has brought positive results for the team.
There was a time in politics, those who were leaders from the grassroots to the center were the MPs, and when they came to power, they were the ministers. The government was formed with experienced political leaders from the Center and Grassroots. The question remains whether the government or the party has benefited at all from the experimental process of separation of party and government. As many people have not tasted the power of the party even though they were born Awami League, so many people suddenly come and sit together and enjoy the power. Now many former bureaucrats, businessmen and hybrids have organizational skills and experience but are not in the party but are in power. This experiment of uncoordinated separation of party and government has changed the nature of the Awami League from a place people-oriented worker-friendly well-organized political force. In the politics of Awami League, the meeting of the working committee used to end in several days. Decision proposals made in those meetings had an important impact on the politics of Bangladesh. Talented politicians played a role in making that proposal. Although Awami League was a party of the poor, its politics was colorful and traditional. Illuminated by light. Now, despite the colorful festivities surrounding the National Conference, no political proposals emerge that attract the political circles of the country.
Awami League is a large party. It’s not individualistic, it’s a team. From that point in Awami League, some distance has been created between civil society, intellectuals, journalists, teachers, the middle class and the working masses. This distance must be solved. As much as Bangabandhu’s Awami League was involved with the people, it seems to have moved away from it. Some have shifted to businessmen, to the bureaucracy and to those who play a role in the administration of the state. But there are two opposing trends. It will be better if this matter is coordinated.
TCB products are being sold by trucks in different areas. It is positive that the government is trying to provide goods at lower prices. But when you see a long line behind this truck, it means that these people were not meant to be like this. The matter should be looked into. Awami League President Sheikh Hasina mentioned, “Criticisms will come, there will be conspiracies, but Awami League leaders and workers will definitely move forward unitedly to face those conspiracies.” That is what we want. Highlighting the various development activities of the government to the nation, Sheikh Hasina informed the plan of AL to build a smart Bangladesh in the coming days. She reiterated Bangladesh will not go backward, Bangladesh will go forward, and we will fulfill the dream of the father of the nation.
The Awami League has made the Election Commission completely independent. Earlier, the Election Commission had no financial capacity. The whole was kept with the Prime Minister’s Office, which we handed over to the Election Commission from the Prime Minister’s Office. They are given money directly from the budget so that they can work independently. Highlighting her position against corruption, Sheikh Hasina said, ‘My father was the president, he was the prime minister. I am a four-time prime minister. If our family did corruption, then they could not give anything else to the people of the country. We have come to give to the people of the country. I came to do it for people. ‘
Sheikh Hasina mentioned one thing we are moving forward rapidly today after overcoming all barrenness. There was an obstacle in it, Corona, then the Russia-Ukraine war started. We don’t want that war, we don’t want sanctions. Turn them off. All countries are independent. They have the right to walk freely. All countries should have this right. War harms people, we know the horrors of war. ‘
Despite the global challenges, the current per capita income of Bangladesh is 2824 US dollars. As Bangladesh celebrates its golden jubilee of independence, the country has been elevated to advanced status. Stand by people in any disaster. Awami League president Sheikh Hasina highlighted that the party Awami League and its affiliated organizations stand by the people in any disaster. Because this is the Awami League and this is the teaching of the Awami League.
The government led by Awami League president Sheikh Hasina completed 14 years of serving three consecutive terms. During this period, the success and achievements of the government are not less. Awami League President Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman led the liberation war of this country. The Awami League celebrated the 51st anniversary of the country’s independence while it was in power. Again, Bangabandhu’s birth centenary was celebrated as Mujib year under the leadership of the Awami League government. The opponents of the government have continuously complained about the lack of democracy in the country. On the other hand, there is no question about the tremendous development of the country. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is handling the challenge of maintaining political stability in Bangladesh during the global crisis and managing the country very well.
Awami League President Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina came to power for the third time in a row after an incredible victory in the 11th parliamentary elections and started a new government with a bunch of new faces. 12th National Parliament election in 2024. A year before the elections, the people of the country will surely sit down to compare their achievements and non-achievements. What did Bangladesh get in Sheikh Hasina’s 14-year management of the country?.
An elevated expressway is also in progress. Bangabandhu Tunnel is under the Karnaphuli River of Chattogram waiting for the inauguration. Bangladesh has announced its position in space as well. The launch of the Bangabandhu satellite has added a new dimension to our science and technology. The map of Bangladesh and India has changed as a result of the enclave exchange agreement between these two countries. Bangladesh’s maritime boundary has increased with the victory in the International Court of Disputed Maritime Boundary.
The example of a party coming to power for the third consecutive term is rare in the world. Awami League has promised to take Bangladesh further in the progress of prosperity. In the last 14 years, a new trend of economic and infrastructure development has been created. Undoubtedly, the support of young voters played a major role in the absolute victory of the Awami League-led Grand Alliance in the 11th National Assembly elections. According to the information of the electoral manifesto prepared by Awami League for the 11th National Parliament elections, about one-third of the total population of the country is young. Now employment must be created for this huge working population. According to the manifesto, the Awami League government has to reform the traditional education system to ensure the expected employment of the youth. Technical education and non-formal training should be taken seriously beyond the continuing trend of general education expansion. In addition to the export of labor-dependent human resources abroad, the issue of sending skilled workers should also be considered seriously.
It will be difficult to strike a balance if we do not create employment pathways based on the skills and qualifications of the youth. Highly educated and highly skilled youth need to think about job creation abroad. The quality of education in engineering universities, science and technology universities and agricultural universities should be made more dynamic and timelier in order to develop quality and skilled human resources for competition in the global market. At the same time, students of general universities should set up ‘Skill Development Centre’.
Last year, the eighth five-year plan for the period 2021-25 was approved, the estimated cost of implementation of which has been estimated at 64 lakh 95 thousand 980 crores. A target of 1 crore 16 lakh 70 thousand employment creation has been set during this period. After the implementation of the eighth five-year plan, the poverty rate will come down to 15.6 percent and the extreme poverty rate will come down to 7.4 percent. In the last year 2025, the GDP growth rate will stand at 8.51 percent.
The world today is full of praise for Bangladesh due to its enviable progress. Bangladesh is said to be a role model in development. Bangladesh continues to advance in various global indices. In some indicators, it has overtaken India-Pakistan to take the top spot in South Asia. Bangladesh is ranked 81st among the 100 most powerful countries in the world in 2021 in the US-based CEO World magazine. According to UK-based think tank Center for Economics and Business Research (CEBR), Bangladesh will be the 28th largest economy in the world in 2030. Canadian online publishing company Visual Capitalist published a report on December 29. According to that report, in 2022, Bangladesh’s position among the world’s largest economies is 35th. Bangladesh has left behind Singapore and Malaysia in terms of GDP. Everything has become possible due to the dynamic leadership of the current Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Naturally, the people of the country will get positive results by comparing the accounts of three consecutive terms including these four years. Will have confidence in Sheikh Hasina’s dynamic leadership.
The grassroots leaders of the party have requested Awami League President Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina not to rent a boat in the upcoming 12th National Assembly elections. The district leaders made this demand in the Council. They said in a tone of complaint, some are giving themselves as party soul, and some are selling the party. Our campaign cell needs to be strengthened for the campaign in local and foreign circles. If the development of the government reaches every ward union, all the conspiracies of the destroyers will fail.
There are conspiracies going on at home and abroad against the development of Sheikh Hasina, so everyone to be careful, the leaders must be united against all conspiracies. The leaders and workers of the party should move forward with new challenges, and make the party more modern and stronger in the next election. If Awami League is united, no political force in the country can defeat them. The party’s leaders and workers at all levels prepare for the upcoming national elections and that no one can defeat the Awami League unless they defeat themselves. So, everyone should be united. The unity of the Awami League is the main strength of the party.

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