Crocodile tears for democracy

Hiren Pandit

On the question of democracy, freedom of speech and human rights, no one will claim that Bangladesh will get 100 out of 100. Problems exist in all countries of the world, but our position is better than many.

The people of Bangladesh are well, happy, all those so called retailers and wholesalers of democracy can’t stand seeing these. Bangladesh’s economy has reached many promising milestones. The country is moving forward by overcoming various obstacles.

The government has undertaken several mega projects. The government has vaccinated 75% of the people of the country at a cost of Tk 20,000 crore and all of them will be brought under this vaccine in phases. Work on the Padma Multipurpose Bridge at its own expense is nearing completion. The bridge will be opened to traffic this year. This will revolutionize the communication system in the southern part of Bangladesh.

Bangabandhu Satellite-1 provides comprehensive telecommunication services to all citizens (direct home TV, radio, telemedicine, education, and internet access), Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant, Dhaka Metrorail Project and Matarbari Project are contributing to boosting the country’s economy.

The deep seaport construction project, Rampal coal-based power project, Bangabandhu tunnel construction project, 100 economic zones are under construction, an elevated expressway, more than three dozen high-tech parks and IT villages are being constructed.

The government has worked tirelessly to implement the Sixth Five Year Plan, the MDGs and the First Perspective Plan. The shelter has so far provided shelter to 3,20,072 families.

Bangladesh is now the third largest rice-producing country in the world and also ranks second in terms of the growth rate of fish production in fish, meat, eggs and vegetables in self-sufficient inland waters.

The transformation of Bangladesh from an LDC to a developing country was announced on the golden jubilee of independence. The UN made a final recommendation to make Bangladesh a developing country.

Most of the world’s economies have seen negative growth over the past year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This means that the gross domestic product (GDP) of these countries is lower than the previous year. Even in high-growth countries like neighboring India, the size of GDP has shrunk by about 8 percent.

Bangladesh was one of the exceptions to this rule. The economy has suffered but has not shrunk in size compared to the previous year. Despite the global economic downturn in 2019-20, Bangladesh’s economy has not lagged.

The World Bank thinks that the growth of Bangladesh will be more in the next financial year. The company’s forecast for the fiscal year 2022-23 is 7.9 percent. Exports and consumption are expected to continue. Whether the economy will continue to recover and poverty will be reduced depends on helping the affected families and businesses cope with the economic downturn.

Bangladesh’s success in alleviating poverty has been praised around the world. According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, the poverty rate in Bangladesh from 1973 to 74 was 72 percent. According to the latest published Family Income and Expenditure Survey, the poverty rate in 2016 was 24.3%. Based on this, the estimated poverty rate in 2019 is 20.5 percent. Poverty worsened last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Economists are advising on the formulation and implementation of strong transit strategies in coordination with the SDGs, the Eighth Five Year Plan and the Perspective Plan for Sustainable Transit.

To make progress in the coming days, it is recommended to pay special attention to increasing the purchasing power of the local market and people, export diversification, increasing employment, developing infrastructure, reduction of corruption, quality education, and expansion of healthcare.

Every year, the race of so-called domestic and foreign retailers and wholesalers of democracy, freedom of speech and human rights begins. Sometimes on the index of democracy, sometimes on the index of freedom of speech and sometimes on the index of human rights.

These retailers know how to determine their index. The government should respond to these biased and baseless reports of the retailers and wholesalers. Some of these so-called retailers and wholesalers have domestic so-called accomplices acting as propaganda machines.

There are allegations that the identified criminals in the police register are now becoming big human rights activists! Some dishonest people in the society have almost rotted the words human rights, freedom of speech and democracy. But almost every day some new media is making its debut.

Bangladesh’s success in protecting human rights is universally appreciated. Rohingyas who fled to Bangladesh after being brutally tortured in Myanmar have been given shelter.

The grassroots people of the country are also enjoying the benefits of the development of the government. The present government’s zero-tolerance policy is playing a strong role in upholding human rights in building a society free from drugs, terrorism and corruption.

At the end of 51 years of independence, Bangladesh today stands tall in the world court. In 51 years, after many ups and downs, the country has come to the place of turning around again. This achievement of turning around is the result of the indomitable work of 170 million people.

Prime Minister has been playing an important and major role in the development of Bangladesh. Her government contributed to the status of freedom fighters as national heroes, through shelter projects, one house one farm projects, women empowerment and overall development of different sectors.

A modern Bangladesh has developed as a modern state in the spirit of our secular, democratic and liberation war it is a matter of hope.
Hiren Pandit is a columnist and researcher

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