Continuity Is Needed for Sustainable Inclusive Development

Hiren Pandit: Inclusive development refers to development that ensures access to facilities for all sections of society. Currently, Bangladesh is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. Due to the implementation of inclusive development policies, the country’s economy continues to show positive growth despite the global economic recession. The American online news media Policy Watcher praised the economic success of Bangladesh and said that Bangladesh, a country with a fast-growing economy, has now become a case study of economic development in the world. On the basis of macroeconomic stability, currently, the economy of Bangladesh has grown 271 times in 50 years.

Bangladesh is ahead of India and Pakistan in the global peace index. How to stop this country has started the manipulation of world leaders? The Prime Minister started the ‘Shelter Project’ under the supervision of his office to rehabilitate the homeless and landless people across the country. In Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s unique humanitarian example shelter project, floating landless families are getting beautiful houses with space. Most of these families were ‘below the extreme poverty line’. They did not have the basic right to housing. Now they are owning the place, owning the house. Women are also getting this ownership. A total of 5 lakh 55 thousand 617 families have been given addresses through the shelter project. As of August, where 2.778 thousand 85 people have been rehabilitated families have been brought under the VGF program for three months.

We are a winning nation. As a victorious nation, we can stand tall in the court of the world. We will not bow down to anyone; we will not walk by bowing down to anyone. Father of the Nation Bangabandhu repeatedly said that by using that wealth, we will be glorified in our own glory in the World Assembly, we will build ourselves and we will walk with our heads high to the whole world. This will be the most important step for the people of this country. This is how our beloved motherland Bangladesh built by Bangabandhu will move forward.

At the same time, they are being given alternative employment in coordinated initiatives. Such as provision of VGF facilities, provision of technical training, formation of cooperative societies and disbursement of loans, construction of community centers, digging of ponds and fish farming, construction of internal roads, provision of free electricity and water connection, plantation of trees, installation of deep and shallow tube wells, health and family planning and Various other schemes including free education programs have been adopted.

The Bangladesh Awami League government has been consistently providing various types of allowances including old age and widow allowances under the social protection program aimed at the development of the poor and helpless people. Every year the government has been allocating a large part of the budget to this social security program, now 2 crore people are directly and indirectly covered under this social security. As before, the Awami League government has maintained the continuity of increasing the allocation to the social security sector in the current budget as well.

The 10 special initiatives taken by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to continue the unprecedented progress in the country in the socio-economic sector are – Amar Bari Amar Khamar, Ashrayan, Digital Bangladesh, Education Assistance Program, Women Empowerment, Electricity, Community Clinic, Social Activities to increase the quality of life and income of rural communities through the implementation of safety programs, investment development and environmental protection. The government is implementing Vision 2021 and Vision 2041 under the dynamic leadership of the Prime Minister. Through this, Bangladesh is making unstoppable progress with the goal of making Bangladesh a middle-income country by 2026 and a knowledge-based society and a developed country by 2041. After the success of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the country is moving towards the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. After the formation of the government in 2009, Sheikh Hasina gave priority to housing, education, medical and social security to ensure the basic rights of all the people of the country. At the same time, Sheikh Hasina took 10 special initiatives to reach people’s doorsteps with digital services, empowering women, bringing electricity to homes, protecting the environment and increasing investment. Bangladesh today is a model of the world in development progress.

The government has played a major role in the overall development of various sectors, including the Amar Bari Amar Khamar project, and women’s empowerment. Almost 100% electrification, bringing in a record amount of remittances to the country, and reduction in the poverty rate from 40 to 18. Raising the literacy rate to 75.6 percent, delivering free new books to students on the first day of the year, mainstreaming and recognizing madrasa education, establishing medical universities and modernizing the medical system. This development work should be presented to the people.

The government is working to successfully implement four foundations to build a smart Bangladesh. These are Smart Citizen, Smart Economy, Smart Government and Smart Society. Apart from this, the plan of how the delta will be in the year 2100 has been undertaken. All work in Smart Bangladesh will be done through technology. Where every citizen will be proficient in using technology. Smart Bangladesh of 2041 will be a cost-effective, sustainable, intellectual, knowledge-based and innovative Bangladesh. Smart healthcare, smart transportation, smart utilities, urban administration, public safety, agriculture, internet connectivity and disaster management will be ensured for the implementation of smart cities and smart villages.

The way Sheikh Hasina has been leading the country for the last 15 years as the Prime Minister and one of the reasons why Bangladesh has not fallen into any major economic crisis like other countries in the current global economic crisis is that she has been able to take the economic base of the country in a strong position during this time. Otherwise, it would have been very difficult to save the country of 17 crore people from disaster even during this crisis.

Bangabandhu did not hesitate to give his life for the development of the people of this country, similarly as like as a father, she is constantly working hard to change the fate of the people of Bangladesh by risking her life. The contribution of the father of the nation Bangabandhu and his illustrious daughter Sheikh Hasina in achieving independence of Bangladesh, achieving economic prosperity and changing the fate of the common people is outstanding.

The economy of Bangladesh is mainly agricultural. 29 percent of Bangladesh’s gross domestic product comes from agriculture and allied sectors. 92 percent of the total land of the plains is used for agriculture and 64 percent of the people earn their livelihood from agriculture. The agriculture sector occupies the majority of land in the country and this sector is one of the main sources of employment. In this context, modernizing the agricultural system, providing seeds, materials, fertilizers etc. that help in the production of high-yielding crops, providing capital to the farmer on easy terms and strengthening the agricultural system by overseeing the marketing system of his produce at a fair price and strengthening the agricultural research, development and extension activities to make agriculture one of the contributors to the country’s GDP. found At the same time establishment of agro-based industries and developmental steps in agriculture; Water resource utilization and river authority and navigation in riparian countries; Converting the manpower of populated towns into resources and creating employment, ensuring the appropriate use of domestic raw materials, increasing and investing local savings in development initiatives, development of individuals and private sectors, especially the development of small and medium industrial potential is one of the desired and desirable aspects of Bangladesh’s economic development. the way Awami League stands by the people in any calamity. This is Awami League and this is the teaching of Awami League. The history of Awami League is like the history of struggle, and at the same time, Awami League can improve or move a country forward, as Bangladesh is moving forward now. No matter how evil forces conspire against Bangladesh, no one can stand in the way of Bengali progress.

There is no alternative to come under the sense of national responsibility that foreigners are coming and taking remittances from the country under the burden of unemployment if quality education, development of ethics, and skilled human resources are not created. There is a causal relationship between law and order and personal security, personal security and social security, social security, and income-earning activities. In the fight against poverty, we want a healthy and normal environment of income-earning. The expectation is that education efficiency, health care efficiency, efficiency, and productivity in manufacturing and trade will expand.

High GDP growth, increase in average national income per capita, increase in export income, and increase in remittance collection cannot be called real and balanced economic development. How much has the social condition of the common people changed, how much has the education system improved, whether quality education for all and the working environment has been ensured or not, we have to keep our eyes on these issues. A situation has arisen in our country where rich people are getting richer and poor people are getting poorer. Every sector of the economy needs to be reformed in such a way that the earned income is available to the common man on a fair basis. There are five basic human needs. These are food, clothing, shelter, education and medical care. A person can claim these five rights from his country of residence. The state is committed to ensuring these benefits for each of its citizens. Real economic development of a state can only be achieved if these five fundamental rights are ensured.

The main theme of the 2008 Charter for Change of Government was to build a developed Bangladesh free from hunger and poverty. Bangladesh is now moving towards Smart Bangladesh. According to the Prime Minister’s promise, a universal pension scheme was launched. The universal pension scheme has been launched keeping in mind about 10 crore people of the four classes of the country. It was a commitment to introduce a universal pension system nationally to ensure old age protection by bringing under a sustainable and well-organized social security structure. These are named immigration, progress, protection and equality. Immigration is only for Bangladeshi citizens working or staying abroad. Pragati is a scheme for the employees of private companies. The protection scheme is for self-reliant persons. The equality scheme is mainly for low-income people living below the poverty line.National Identity Card (NID) is required to come under the pension scheme. Expatriate Bangladeshis who do not have NID, can do so on the basis of a passport. A ‘Universal Pension Authority’ has been constituted under the Finance Department. This completely IT-based organization will manage the pension of people across the country.

This is a remarkable achievement for the Bengali nation. The introduction of the universal pension system is a gift of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to the nation. From a bottomless basket today, Bangladesh has become an Asian tiger or a role model for development. The Prime Minister has instilled a sense of security among the people in the future by launching the Universal Pension Scheme along with other exceptional initiatives. Today, older people will no longer think about their future in the same way for this reason, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is known as a people-friendly leader to the Bengali nation.

Hiren Pandit is a columnist and a researcher.

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