Bangladesh’s progress stipulates Sheikh Hasina’s leadership

Hiren Pandit
The 12th National Parliament election will be held as per the schedule announced by the Election Commission. Before the elections, the people of the country must sit down to compare their achievements and non-achievements. What did Bangladesh get in Sheikh Hasina’s 15-year rule? We see how the last 15 years have passed. Bangladesh has made significant progress in global SDGs achievement rankings, rising from 120th to 101st in just seven years. According to the Global Sustainable Development Report 2023, Bangladesh is ranked 101 out of 166 countries in 2022, this position was 116 in 2019. Bangladesh has achieved a promising 6.7 average GDP growth over the last 15 years with an emphasis on poverty alleviation. On the first three SDGs—related to poverty reduction, hunger eradication, and improving public health—Bangladesh has made good progress on all three and is on track to achieve the targets. Four of the 17 targets under the three SDGs have already been met. Six are on track and five need more attention. Sheikh Hasina’s dynamic, energetic and strong leadership from 1996 to 2001 and from 2009 to now has radically transformed Bangladesh. The country has set a shining example of sustainable development. The economy of Bangladesh has gone from a weak, underdeveloped, shaky state to a strong one. Every day new aspects of the modern transformation of conventional infrastructure are unfolding. A renaissance is currently taking place in a previously neglected sector or business. The scenario of immense possibilities inspires and excites the people of this country. Those potential sectors which have been nurtured for a long time due to neglect are gradually waking up. Sheikh Hasina, the pioneer of development and the leader of developed Bangladesh, is always trying to advance those possibilities by providing necessary cooperation and patronage.
Like her father, Sheikh Hasina is a firm believer in democracy. She was at the forefront of the movement to establish voting rights in this country. She also feels the miseries of the poor people of the country most deeply. She is also focused on managing the country’s economy. Despite the global challenges, the current per capita income of Bangladesh is 2765 US dollars. Facing the challenge of maintaining political stability in Bangladesh during the global crisis and managing the country very well. The elevated expressway opened last month partially. Bangabandhu Tunnel under the Karnaphuli River in Chattogram was inaugurated recently. Bangladesh has announced its position in space as well. Bangabandhu’s satellite launch added a new dimension to our science and technology. Inauguration of Metrorail and Padma Bridge are both development milestones. Successfully tackled the Corona pandemic, first in South Asia and 5th in the world. Education, communication infrastructure, gas, electricity, women’s education, health care, achieving self-sufficiency in food production, backward communities under social programs, helpless, elderly, widows, persons with disabilities, divorced and women victimized by husband and, autism, poor freedom fighters are noteworthy. A total of 5 lakh 55 thousand 617 families have been given addresses through the shelter project till August. Where 27 lakh 78 thousand 85 people have been sheltered and resettled families have been brought under the VGF program for three months. The government has played a major role in the overall development of various sectors, including my house my farm scheme, and women’s empowerment. Almost 100% electrification, bringing in a record number of remittances to the country, reduction in poverty rate from 40 to 18. Raising the literacy rate to 75.6 percent, delivering free new books to students on the first day of the year, mainstreaming and recognizing Madrasa education, establishing medical universities and modernizing the medical system. These development activities should be presented to the public. The government is working to successfully implement four foundations to build a smart Bangladesh. These are – Smart Citizens, Smart Economy, Smart Government and Smart Society. Besides this, the plan of how the delta will be in the year 2100 has been taken up. All work in Smart Bangladesh will be done through technology. Where every citizen will be proficient in using technology. Smart Bangladesh of 2041 will be a cost-effective, sustainable, intellectual, knowledge-based and innovative Bangladesh. Smart healthcare, smart transportation, smart utilities, urban administration, public safety, agriculture, internet connectivity and disaster management will be ensured for the implementation of smart cities and smart villages. The way Sheikh Hasina has been leading the country in the last 15 years as the Prime Minister and one of the reasons why Bangladesh has not fallen into any major economic crisis like other countries in the current global economic crisis is that she has been able to take the economic base of the country in a strong position during this time. Otherwise, it would have been very difficult to save the country of 17 crore people from disaster even during this crisis. Awami League as a political party has been able to give Bangladesh a lot of freedom, development, self-esteem and glorious pride.
The continuation of the government is necessary for the progress of development. It is also very important to choose the right leadership of the countrymen so that the progress of development does not stop. If the economic and political stability of a country is maintained, the progress of the country is maintained. All measures should be taken to hold the upcoming parliamentary elections in a participatory, fair, peaceful, free, and impartial manner at any cost. The whole world is watching this election. It is also important to take a credibly tough stance against corruption and money laundering. Awami League, which has come to power for the fourth time after being in power for three terms, has to face the upcoming challenges. The twelfth parliamentary election will be held as per the schedule announced by the Election Commission.
Sheikh Hasina is moving forward on the path of fulfilling his incomplete dream as Father of the Nation Bangabandhu took forward a war-torn country. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s dynamic leadership and long-term planning have achieved MDGs, implemented SDGs, launched Padma Bridge and Metrorail, education, health, gender equality, agriculture, reduction of the poverty line, increase in life expectancy, export-oriented industrialization, 100 special economic zones, apparel industry, pharmaceutical industry, export earnings. Various economic indicators have increased with growth. During the tenure of this government, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has done various development activities for the country in the last 15 years. There is no alternative to Sheikh Hasina in leading the country. The party under her leadership and others in the government may have people’s dissatisfaction with their work, but in the case of Sheikh Hasina, the matter is completely different. Some negative activities in the country and abroad around the upcoming elections have come to the fore at this time. Local and foreign conspires have taken a negative stance on Bangladesh elections. Like other countries in the world, the economy of Bangladesh is going through a tough time right now. Various external factors like the Ukraine war are mainly responsible for this. Some of the country’s corrupt businessmen and underworld have a role in this matter. The country’s banking sector is already in a crisis.
Sheikh Hasina is the leader of the nation. People’s support for her is unwavering. Her image is as bright as those who are with her, there is public dissatisfaction with the work of many in the public mind. People are worried about corruption. Unemployment and commodity prices should be reined in. If all of Sheikh Hasina’s colleagues work in proper coordination with her and walk with the same attitude, then these negative aspects that emerged in the survey can be overcome. However, the ruling party Awami League has decided not to nominate many controversial and unpopular leaders. The people see this as a good initiative. It has been decided not to nominate several top party leaders and members of parliament as party candidates in the upcoming national parliament elections. As part of this process, several MPs and leaders will already be dropped from the nomination list. In the 11th National Parliament, all the leaders of the ruling party, Awami League, broke party discipline, created their circle, weakened the organization in the area, women scandals, family disputes, loss of social dignity, videos and audio recordings of conversations were spread on social media. Awami League can be considered ineligible for nomination in the election. The next election is very challenging. In the next election, not controversial, honest, educated, talented, self-sacrificing, tested, and acceptable party nominations should be given. For the continuation of the indomitable progress of Bangladesh, the leadership of Sheikh Hasina is inevitable.
Hiren Pandit is a columnist and researcher

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