17 May Homecoming Day: Sheikh Hasina Is Leading Bangladesh to New Heights

Hiren Pandit: Awami League has been in power for the last 15 years under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, daughter of the father of the nation, Bangabandhu, and she is working in a government dedicated to the welfare of the people. Sheikh Hasina has walked the path of history; no one is seen like this in contemporary history. An heir of Bangabandhu’s blood can save Awami League. It became essential to keep the Awami League united after the brutal assassination of Bangabandhu. It was necessary to sustain the existence of the Awami League. Everyone knows that Sheikh Hasina did BCL politics during her student life. She was the VP of Eden Girls’ College.

She was on the streets during the six-point movement. Therefore, in the special council of the Awami League held in February 1981, Sheikh Hasina, who lived in exile in the capital of India, was made the party president. Sheikh Hasina is moving forward to fulfill his incomplete dream as Bangabandhu took forward a war-torn country. Under Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s dynamic leadership and long-term plan, achieving MDGs, implementing SDGs, launching Padma Bridge and Metrorail, education, health, gender equality, agriculture, reducing poverty line, increasing life expectancy, export-oriented industrialization, 100 special economic zones, apparel industry, pharmaceutical industry, export earnings Various economic indicators have improved with growth.

During the tenure of this government, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has participated in various development activities for the country over the last 15 years. Like her father, Sheikh Hasina is a firm believer in democracy. She was at the forefront of the movement to establish voting rights in this country. She also feels the pain of the country’s poor people most profoundly. She is also focused on managing the country’s economy. The leaders and workers of the Awami League spread across the country in adversity and became strong at once; they Became strong with the determination to build a new country.

Then, in the absence of Sheikh Hasina, the leaders and activists elected her as the president of the Bangladesh Awami League through the council. In 1996, under his leadership, the Awami League came to power after winning the parliamentary elections. Sheikh Hasina took over as Prime Minister for the first time. Then, she became the Prime Minister for the second time in 2008, third in 2014, fourth in the 2018 elections, and fifth in 2024. Sheikh Hasina led the Awami League as a symbol of party unity in the most challenging times. She always fought in the struggle for democracy. She has repeatedly returned from death’s door. She brought the Awami League to power as a popular party in 1996 after 21 years and has been working tirelessly to institutionalize democracy in Bangladesh.

Sheikh Hasina made possible the impossible by forming the government in 1996 to bring Bangabandhu’s killers to justice and later to bring war criminals to justice in 2010. The opportunity came to carry forward the ideals of the Bengali nation. Bangabandhu’s daughter, Sheikh Hasina, started working as a pioneer for the overall welfare, development, and liberation of the people of Bangladesh. She has proved that he has no alternative to develop democracy in Bangladesh. Sheikh Hasina’s integrity, devotion, rational mindset, strong morale, wisdom, and extraordinary leadership have established Bangladesh at a different height in the world arena, and she is known as a world-renowned leader.

Awami League has been in power for 15 years under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, and she is working dedicatedly for the welfare of the people. The world is amazed by Sheikh Hasina’s indomitable strength, courage, morale, and strong leadership. Bangladesh will become the 29th largest economy globally by 2030 and the 20th largest by 2040. Meanwhile, Bangladesh has been declared a ‘middle-income country’ influential from 2026 and will debut as a ‘developed country’ in 2041. The ample proof that Bangladesh is moving forward is that the per capita income of the country’s people has increased in the last few years. The current per capita income is 2,765. Bangladesh is one of the top countries in the world today in terms of economic progress.

Elevated Expressway has become a fast mode of transportation. Bangabandhu Tunnel under the Karnaphuli River in Chattogram has been inaugurated. Bangladesh has also announced its position in space. Bangabandhu’s satellite launch added a new dimension to our science and technology. Inauguration of Metrorail and Padma Bridge are both development milestones. A significant aspect of the Awami League government’s success is economic development. Bangladesh has become a less developed country. Bangladesh has surprised the world in various indicators, from per capita income to average life expectancy. Bangladesh is considered a role model of development; it has been possible under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina: Self-respect and Padma Bridge with its own money.

Sheikh Hasina has not only established Bangladesh as a state of progress and unstoppable progress but has also taken Bangladesh to a self-respecting status. When the World Bank complained about the Padma Bridge in Bangladesh, the Prime Minister rejected the complaint and announced the construction of the Padma Bridge with her own money. It was inaugurated on June 25, 2022. Not only the Padma Bridge but also the Metrorail were launched.

Metrorail is now the most popular mode of transportation in Dhaka. The poverty rate has dropped from 40 to 18. We are raising the literacy rate to 75.6 percent, delivering free new books to students on the first day of the year, mainstreaming and recognizing Madrasa education, establishing medical universities, and modernizing the medical system. Seventeen thousand five hundred community clinics provide healthcare at people’s doorsteps, providing 31 types of medicines free of cost. Bangladesh has been praised in various ways at home and abroad through the development of healthcare.

These development activities should be presented to the people. The government is working to implement four foundations to build a smart Bangladesh successfully. These are Smart Citizens, Smart Economy, Smart Government, and Smart Society. Apart from this, the plan of how the delta will be in the year 2100 has been undertaken. All work in Smart Bangladesh will be done through technology, and every citizen will be proficient. Smart Bangladesh of 2041 will be a cost-effective, sustainable, intellectual, knowledge-based, and innovative Bangladesh. Implementation of smart cities and intelligent villages is underway to ensure competent healthcare, smart transportation, smart utilities, urban administration, public safety, agriculture, internet connectivity, and disaster management. The eighth Five Year Plan has been adopted. Several mega projects are being implemented, including Metrorail, Elevated Expressway, Karnaphuli Tunnel, Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant, and Maheshkhali-Matarbari Integrated Development Project. 100 Special Economic Zones, 39 Hi-Tech Parks and IT Villages have been built. Agriculture, industry, trade, and modern technology must be planned and considered for a beautiful combination. Bangladesh is changing radically; this country has set a shining example of sustainable development. The economy of Bangladesh has reached a strong position from a weak, underdeveloped, shaky state.

The modern transformation of conventional infrastructure is opening up new possibilities every day. A renaissance has been created in sectors or businesses previously languishing in neglect. Improvement in education, communication infrastructure, women’s education, health care, distribution of free books to students, providing social safety net support for socially disadvantaged, helpless, elderly, widows, disabled persons, support for widowed women, autism, Prime Minister’s Government’s significant initiatives are essential for the development of Bangladesh and played an important role. Giving status to freedom fighters as national heroes, 2.7 lakh people out of 5 lakh 55 thousand 617 families have been sheltered through shelter projects. My house, my firm project, women empowerment, and the overall development of various sectors are his government’s contributions.

We must build a modern Bangladesh in the spirit of a secular, democratic, and liberation war. This is what the current generation expects. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is the last hope and refuge of the people of this country. Awami League stands by the people in any calamity. This is Awami League, and this is the teaching of Awami League. The history of Awami League is like the history of struggle, and at the same time, Awami League can improve or move a country forward, as Bangladesh is moving forward now. No matter how evil forces conspire against Bangladesh, no one can stand in the way of Bengali progress.

Taking a credibly tough stance against corruption and money laundering is also essential. We must never forget that this country is ours. We will not let anyone play with the fate of the people of this country. Due to the people’s support, the country’s progress has been possible due to the government’s relentless efforts, and Bangladesh has become a role model for development. Bangladesh will move forward as a role model. Bangabandhu’s dream of building a golden Bangladesh is being implemented by the prime minister with hard work and talent. With the hands of the world leader, this country will transform into a bright, developed country like Singapore and Malaysia in a short time. Only Sheikh Hasina can build a developed, prosperous, peaceful Bengali nation and Bangladesh. She loved the country more than her children. Father’s unfinished work that needs to be completed. This is how our beloved motherland, Bangladesh, built by Bangabandhu, will move forward.

Hiren Pandit is an essayist, researcher and a columnist.

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