Stop Communal Violence – Hiren Pandit || English News

Stop Communal Violence

Hiren Pandit: Man is the best creature of creation; we are separated from other animals or everything for judgment and conscience. But are we using our findings, intelligence, and conscience? We are constantly abandoning the human qualities we have; morals are disappearing, and our ability to judge good and evil is disappearing. Human compassion towards human beings is disappearing in the womb of time, and love and kindness are slowly disappearing from our midst. But we are gradually losing our human qualities, not as human beings, but being oppressed like ferocious animals. Why is this happening? As we are getting educated, our sense of humanity is diminishing where it should be increasing. But why? Educated people are supposed to have more humane qualities, but it is not seen as much now. We are the role models of development worldwide, but how much of the mentality? Where are we as people?

Secularism and religious freedom are part of the four basic frameworks of the constitution of Bangladesh. Secularism means both freedom of religion and freedom to practice religion freely. Secularism is a basic structure of the constitution, and the government shall generally take measures for the safety and welfare of all the country’s people, irrespective of religion. The constitution of Bangladesh states that religion is a personal matter. A person will be known by his own identity and not by religion.

The state has a solemn duty to respect and protect the human rights of every individual and group within its borders. It must not only refrain from violating these rights but also take proactive measures to ensure their enjoyment. This is not just a legal obligation but a moral imperative. Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966, underscores the importance of this practice, and it is a principle that every state should uphold.

In general, a state is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of every person without regard to religious majorities or minorities. However, the religious rights of minorities and the state itself will provide exceptional protection from intolerant conditions. The discussion of special protection is mentioned in Articles 28 (4) and 29 (3) of the Constitution of Bangladesh. The State or Government shall encourage the State to take necessary measures to protect minorities.

Bangladesh’s current scenario is different. Bangladesh’s religious minority Hindu community has been plagued by sectarian violence for the past few weeks following an incident in Cumilla in 2022. Some baseless allegations have led to torture, vandalism, clashes, and violence against minorities in Bangladesh during the biggest festival of the Hindu community. The constitution of Bangladesh sanctions neither communal violence nor religious intolerance. It is against the constitution of Bangladesh and the spirit of the liberation war.

The situation worsened due to rumor-mongering and hate-mongering on social media. The Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and Christian communities of this country were founded on secular values ??after the liberation of Bangladesh through the sacrifice of 3 million martyrs and the loss of dignity of two lakh mothers and sisters in exchange for the blood of 9 months of bloody war against the Pakistanis in the liberation war.

Those who believe in patriotic and secular human values, who respect religion as well as the religion of others, can no longer support the madness of such violent bigotry. Everyone knows how extremists have attacked houses of religious minorities in various places, including Chittagong, Laxmipur-Noakhali, and Rangpur, in the last few days after the attack on the Puja Mandap in Comilla. Such terrorism cannot be allowed to grow in the name of religion. Local political activists, social workers, philanthropists, intellectuals, progressive forces, and law and order forces must be adequately prepared and countered to prevent such communal terrorism.

1971 Bangladesh emerged as an independent state through a bloody liberation war of nine months. Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians all fought together to liberate this country. Bangladesh’s journey began with a commitment to establish communal harmony and social justice. Our liberation war was not for any discriminatory society. The Bengali nation did not fight the liberation war to spread the two-nation theory. On one side is religious discrimination, and on the other is racial discrimination. The liberation war of Bangladesh was based on the desire to eliminate discrimination and establish a democratic state system.

The people of this country have fought for such a state, which, when born, will ensure equality and social justice, ie, equality and social status for all its citizens, and it will be Bangladesh of Bengali irrespective of religion or caste. The people of this country participated in the liberation war under the strong leadership of the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu. We achieved Bangladesh through the sacrifice of all Bengalis. Theconstitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh was adopted on November 4, 1972, but the four principles of the state were declared only after adopting the constitution. But in his turn, the Bengali liberation war and the aspirations of the previous struggle were reflected.

The government should take necessary measures against communal forces to uphold the non-communal spirit of the Great Liberation War. The administration and government must do more to protect all citizens’ security and communal harmony, and civil society must also come forward. Punishing criminals should ensure equal rights. On behalf of the current government, it is said that Bangladesh is trying to develop religious pluralism and protect the rights of minorities.

After the election of 2001, there was a massive persecution of minorities in various districts of Bangladesh. All parties have leaders in oppressing minorities and grabbing property; no one is left behind. Awami League has been in power since 2009. Even during this time, the torture and harassment of minorities did not stop; the proof of that is the incidents of Noagaon in Sunamganj, Ramu in Cox’s Bazar, Nasirnagar in Brahmanbaria, Gobindganj in Gaibandha, Santhia in Pabna, Dinajpur. We know from the news published in the media that there are allegations of patronage of opportunistic leaders of various political parties along with the terrorists identified with these incidents. Opportunistic persons, miscreants under the umbrella of political parties, abuse the name of political parties or use their influence to torture and create terror.

On August 15, 1975, after the assassination of the father of the nation, Bangabandhu, and his family, there was a dramatic change in state power. Through this surprising change, the death of a democratic secular constitution was followed by the inclusion of the state religion.

Still, the minorities are threatened to leave the country, forced to leave the country, houses vandalized, killed, beaten and injured, idols and temples vandalized, attacks on religious institutions including churches, pagodas, forced possession of property, house vandalism, arson, spreading rumors of insulting religion, girls Kidnapping and forced marriages, molestation of women, attempted rape, rape, gang rape, forced conversions, desecration of religious institutions, obstructing religious ceremonies, hurting religious sentiments, filing false and harassing cases, false accusations, blocking families One has to deal with various situations including retention, non-acceptance of cases or undue delay or harassment.

Observations show that in the case of torture and harassment of minorities, terrorists resort to the same old tactics. Because the attackers are influential, victims of torture are often afraid to go to the police station. Once upon a time, after attacks on minorities, media reports tried to avoid responsibility by exaggerating. That was not the case during the Awami League period. The government has rebuilt burnt houses and temples in Ramu and Nasirnagar and made arrangements for rehabilitation with relief materials in Sunamganj. The guilty are assured of severe punishment. But the sad thing is that it has been impossible to bring the criminals to justice in almost all the previous cases.

Many incidents could have been avoided if the government, administration, intelligence agencies, and law enforcement agencies had been more proactive and taken action at the right time. The situation would have significantly improved if criminals could have been brought under the law. Observers were afraid to commit these misdeeds. Justice should be ensured for all the people of society, and a harmonious society should be built.

Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council has claimed that sectarian attacks took place across the country for 16 days, from August 4th to August 20th, 2024. They reported that nine people were killed and four women were raped during these attacks. We are appearing before you at a crucial moment on behalf of the Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council, a human rights organization against religious discrimination. We are all aware of the quotas in government jobs. Innocent students were involved in a month-long movement for reforms in the student society.

At one stage of the movement, anger rose among the students and people due to the loss of many students’ lives in the brutality of the Sheikh Hasina government. As a result, the government was forced to resign on August 5, 2024, following a single demand for resignation. The student movement of Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Parishad against discrimination mourns the loss of many individuals from various classes, including children and students. The Council extends our deepest condolences to the families of those who were killed in the movement and wishes a speedy recovery to those who were injured and are currently undergoing treatment at various hospitals and facilities—the Council calls upon the affluent to step forward and assist the wounded. We strongly demand that the Interim Government take legal action against the criminals involved in the student mob killings to uphold the country’s diversity.

After the fall of Sheikh Hasina’s government on August 5, 2024, the law-and-order situation in the country deteriorated dramatically during the interim government’s takeover and continued after that. Taking advantage of this situation, miscreants targeted minority communities, places of worship, and business establishments in various parts of the country. This led to attacks, vandalism, looting, riots, and murders. There were forcible occupation of land and instances of women being tortured. Extortion and threats of emigration were also reported. Anti-Indian sentiments led to anti-Hindu activities.

Some students were found to be involved in these activities. Minority communities in different educational institutions were instigated by certain groups, which led to the defamation and unfair treatment of teachers. The Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council strongly condemned these incidents and demanded exemplary punishment for the culprits. To monitor overall security and prevent communal forces from acting, the Central Committee of the Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council formed a central monitoring cell with six members. The interim government reported daily communal attacks on minority communities, and 205 incidents were reported in 52 districts. An open letter was sent to Muhammad Yunus, highlighting the need for preventing violence and addressing communal acts.

The Facts and Findings on Violence collection continues from 04August. From August 4 to August 20, communal attacks, vandalism, and incidents of looting, torture, and rape of women have been reported. This information was published in a press conference recently. Additionally, there is more information that is not available to us. The data was prepared based on information from the District/Metropolitan Committee of the Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council. It provides a detailed description of the 1705 families directly affected by communal violence in 64districts and towns of Bangladesh. Out of these families, 157 had their homes raided, looted, and vandalized. Institutions were also targeted, with 69 places of worship being attacked, vandalized, and robbed.

Notably, the Khulna division had the highest number of incidents, including four cases of women being raped, one of whom is speech impaired. Moreover, 34 families belonging to tribal communities had their houses looted, vandalized, and even confiscated. These incidents have affected people from Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, and tribal communities across various regions.

From August 4 to August 20, 2024, approximately 50,000 men and women were victims of communal violence, impacting adolescents, children, and people with disabilities, leading to trauma that affects the entire population. Currently, there are around two crore religious-ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples in the country who are living in fear and are under threat. As a result of the violence, 157 families have lost their homes, businesses, and financial assets, leaving them destitute and living in subhuman conditions. The violence included attacks on temples, vandalism, miscommunication, violence against women, rape, gang rape, home invasion, looting, embezzlement, attacks on business establishments, vandalism, looting, embezzlement, residence possession, land and business takeover, institutional takeover, and physical torture.

The main goal of the anti-discrimination student movement is to eliminate discrimination at all levels of the state and society, regardless of religion, caste, or gender. This is to be done in line with the spirit of the liberation war, ensuring human equality and guaranteeing dignity and social justice. The Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council hopes and believes that the Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, leading the interim government, will work towards creating a genuinely non-discriminatory society in Bangladesh and worldwide by removing inconsistencies and discrimination in all fields.

The administration will be essential in establishing a democratic, non-sectarian state. Unfortunately, the swearing-in ceremony of the new Advisory Council at Bangabhaban only featured one scripture, disappointing the minority community. On August 13, 2024, the Council demanded an immediate cessation of communal violence and exemplary punishment for perpetrators targeting minority communities. The Council submitted an 8-point demand from their side, but there has been no visible initiative to implement these points.

The Council strongly demands the implementation of these 8 points. The great purpose with which Bangladesh became independent was for the freedom of Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians, who stood shoulder to shoulder in the liberation war. Three million people sacrificed their lives, two lakh mothers and sisters were humiliated, and one crore people took refuge in India, with 92 percent being minorities, especially the Hindu community. Since 1972, minority communities, especially the Hindu community, have faced various forms of persecution and discrimination under different governments.

These include murder (9 cases), assault, vandalism, looting, and assault on business establishments (953 cases), assault, vandalism, and trespassing on places of worship (69 cases), occupancy of houses (1 case), torture of women/rape/gang-rape (4 cases), land/business occupation (21 cases), home invasion, vandalism, robbery, and assault (915 cases), and physical abuse (38 cases).

It is unfortunate but true that past military-civilian regimes have committed atrocities against minorities. Thousands of torture cases have not been prosecuted, and the perpetrators have not been brought to justice. As a result, the minority population, around 19-20% in 1970, dropped to approximately 8.6% in 2024. It is hoped that this time, communal violence will be prevented to stop crimes against humanity across the country. Men, women, students, and youth from minority communities have taken to the streets to protest and resist.

The minority communities in the country want to believe that the culture of impunity from the past has been replaced by the anti-discrimination student movement governing the state. Even during the government’s tenure, more people from minority communities may be forced to leave the country. The United Nations is investigating inhumane incidents during the anti-discrimination student movement. The news that the investigation is being conducted under the committee’s supervision has reassured the people of Bengal. On behalf of the religious and ethnic minority population, an urgent appeal was made to Antonio Guterres, the United Nations Secretary-General.

The appeal includes incidents of communal atrocities targeting minorities from October 1990 to 2021. It calls for unbiased investigations into all incidents of crimes against humanity and genocide committed against minorities to be conducted under the auspices of the United Nations. Ongoing incidents of violence against minorities, whether state, political, or communal, should be addressed, and those responsible should be brought to justice. This appeal is made on behalf of the minority population and is directed to the United Nations Secretary-General.

The Council wants to highlight the Hon’ble High Court’s investigation into communal violence from 2001 to 2006. The Shahabuddin Commission was formed in 2009 under the previous government’s direction, and it submitted its report with recommendations in 2011. However, the report has not been acted upon, and the recommendations have not been implemented. There has been no justice for the communal violence that occurred from 2013 to 2021, including the communal violence during the 2021 Durga Puja period, as directed by the Hon’ble High Court.

Immediately after the departmental inquiry was initiated, the then Attorney General appealed to the Chamber Judge of the Supreme Court, and the inquiry was suspended upon filing. We believe there have been fixed beliefs in the minority for the past four decades. All communal incidents that target the population also fall under the category of crimes against humanity.

The Council is proud of the liberal laws in the country that help maintain law and order. Army officers have been given the power of magistracy, and we welcome this decision. However, the Council is deeply concerned that their organization’s General Secretary, Advocate Rana Dasgupta, has been accused in two murder cases in Jatrabari and Mirpur police stations of Dhaka. The alleged incident in the Jatrabari case was on July 19, around 1:45-2:00 pm. Still, at that time, he was in Kolkata and then flew to the US from Shah Amanat Airport in Chattogram for a checkup at Tata Medical Center. In the Mirpur police station case, the alleged incident was on August 5, but he was at his residence in Chattogram. He has been unjustly harassed.

The district-level leaders have also been falsely accused. The Council strongly condemns and protests this and demands the immediate withdrawal of their names. The Council called for a fair and impartial investigation into the incident against the general secretary of Unity Parishad and other leaders of the organization, as well as the withdrawal of false cases and an end to ongoing communal violence across the country. The Councildemands the arrest and punishment of the culprits involved in the communal violence, including in Dhaka. The Council seeks the support of the media and the United Nations in advancing the movement for human rights against religious discrimination.

Hiren Pandit is an essayist and a researcher

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